*sigh* I know, I was hoping for more interest to drum up the price but at least it'll sell.
The shipping on the beer mug I bought was $7. The price listed on the stamp on the box was $4.49... add in the cost of the box, shipping peanuts and bubble wrap and the cost of gas and $7 seems about right.
tonksy said:
....wait a minute...I am beginning to think you just want more shots my my chest....and no I won't take piccy's without a bra, just no.

It's not working for the Coca-Cola jacket. :eek6: Guess the bra just has to go. ;)
Nah. We've got bigger fish to fry right now. We are at war with someone over an unpaid item. Some loser bid on our 'Deadman Inc.' Undertaker tshirt and then flatly refused to pay. We started an unpaid item dispute and the turd started libeling us saying that we had horrible customer service and didn't have the item... Well... utter horseshit. Theres no telling what this person's problem is... but were taking it to the mat.
I saw that. I also saw that their last received feedback was similar. After so many good responses, I suspect it's a hacked account.

I hope everyone is keeping their passwords strong, and changing frequently. (yeah, I'm talking to you) Strong passwords include numbers, capitals, capitals in the middle of the password too, strange characters if the system will allow it. And damn well make sure your password doesn't appear in a dictionary.
Even if it is a hijacked account, it doesn't make sense. Noone is going to send anything without prior arrangement for payment. To bid on something and then just sit on your hands makes no sense.
unclehobart said:
Even if it is a hijacked account, it doesn't make sense. Noone is going to send anything without prior arrangement for payment. To bid on something and then just sit on your hands makes no sense.

Unless you're just looking to stir up shit.
If its simple mischief, it still makes no sense. Responding to emails and the dispute process take time. Most would just like to make 1000 fake bids in a straight line just to force EBaY to take several man weeks to hammer it out and issue useage fees. Targeting members in good standing ultimately cost them no money or standing.


We really need a ROFL kicking and crying smilie.

I am so gonna get reamed over this one.
I fucking LOVE that jacket :hmm:
I am a Giants fan. Believe me I tried not to sell it but we ended up in a compromise, we'd put it up once at a higher price than we normally would and if it doesn't sell it's mine.
Does anyone else find the word across Tonksy's boobs in this pic from ebay as funny as I do? :brush:


If that jacket doesn't get $20 ATLEAST I'm gonna be shocked!