Tatoos, jewelry, piercings, etc...

Ok I didnt read all the replys.... I just scanned for pics. I figure Ku, Na, or NIXY would have some good piercings to share with us.

What if we all say "please"?
Jewelry is a must. 1 earring hole in each ear...one necklace..3 rings..3 bracelets (all gold, might I add)

2 Tats...one on the right uha (thigh) and another one right above my left wrist.

Lemme see if I can put my tat up so you can see it. :confuse3: *unsure of what the heck I'm doing*


tat.jpg, 6.02kb

How much did that hurt? I was told that the closer you get to the wrist, the more it hurts because of the amount nerves being so close to the skin...?

Btw, nice tat! :D
LastLegionary said:
freako104 said:
jewelry wise i wear 5 necklaces they are a pentacle,an ankh, a crucifix, a sufer pendant and a dragons claw holding an orb and a braclet and a watch.
Reminds me of The Mummy of Benny boy that had 1 quadzillion of amulets and greetings to ward of evil spirits.

dude that hurt man. im not in any bad movies. plus i dont have that m,any pendants.
freako104 said:
dude that hurt man. im not in any bad movies. plus i dont have that m,any pendants.
I did not mean it as a negative statement. And, I *loved* that movie. But it did remind me of it. If I offended you, I'm really sorry, but that was certainly not my intent.
No piercings (Just don't go for that kind of thing), no tattoos (Wouldn't be able to put an animated :headbang: on me), no watches (I'm always at my computer anyway), no rings (never gonna get married).

Had two earrings (on one side) for 6 years, took them out a few months ago, got tired of them.. don't have anything else.

My parents both have a tattoo though, mom's got a rose on her upper arm, dad's got a drawing of our dog...
You had earrings, Mark? :D Bwahaha, never noticed that :D

Oh, I only wear a watch...when jewelry is concerned of course ;)
Shadowfax said:
You had earrings, Mark? :D Bwahaha, never noticed that :D

Should've looked better... and don't laugh, I'm still not embarrassed for that, not as much as you should be with your goat :p