

Well-Known Member
If you were granted the authority to change the way people are taxed, then how would you change it?

Everyone is always complaining about taxes and rightly so. We are taxed when we earn our money and when we spend it.

How would you change the system?

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

So how is all of this gonna happen without some sort of cashflow?
flat tax is a great idea, but it'll never work.
government and civil service payrolls are bloated by union employees. pork barrel funding is the life blood of politicians. military hardware is getting more expensive daily. its only a matter of time before some sort of national health care coverage is instituted. humanitarian aid and propping up the governments of friendly dictators isnt cheap either.
if the rich start getting taxed at higher rates they will just move their money and/or themselves someplace where they can keep more of it.
it is OK Cat
you are not capable of grasping the concept
it really isn't your fault

perhaps I can better answer your question
by posing another question

does it really require a half a trillion dollar expenditure to

"provide for the common defense?"

Ayn Rand proposed that if you used a government service
you paid for it.

never mind, few can even begin to get their minds around the idea...
flat tax is a great idea, but it'll never work.

Especially with that kind of attitude...

Dave said:
government and civil service payrolls are bloated by union employees.

And that is the fault of whom?

Dave said:
pork barrel funding is the life blood of politicians.

Hey...they keep getting re-elected because of it, so it is the fault of who that this goes on?

Dave said:
military hardware is getting more expensive daily.

That's the first thing you've said that makes any kind of dent in such a plan. Here are a couple of good questions for you...

How much time and money does it take to develope a weapons system without Congressional oversight?

How much time and money does it take to develope a weapons system with Congressional oversight?

Dave said:
its only a matter of time before some sort of national health care coverage is instituted.

Once again...that idea is firmly in the hands of the voter...

Dave said:
humanitarian aid and propping up the governments of friendly dictators isnt cheap either.
I agree 100%. Now tell that to

Dave said:
if the rich start getting taxed at higher rates they will just move their money and/or themselves someplace where they can keep more of it.

Which is exactly what they do now, so what's your point?
I say we start by returning to the government the powers it was supposed to have and only those powers. This will require a segment of our population to get off their collective asses and earn at least a portion of their own keep, even if it means getting rid of the Escalade with the spinners and neon kit. Tough titty.

After we reign in our elected representatives and remind them exactly what they can/cannot do and who put them there to do it, many of our problems will be corrected. All this talk of national health care and other needless government intervention will disappear as quickly as Rush Limbaugh at a Weight Watchers meeting.

We the people have forgotten that all this starts with the words "We the people" on an old piece of paper. Until we retake what we and our ancestors have given away, there are no solutions. Well, one maybe, but I ain't going there today.

But that's sheer wishing on my part. It'll never happen, because we have been conditioned. The one time an effort was made to return to the principles the country once stood for wasn't received very well by some moneyed folk, and that's that. So conditioned we are, and conditioned we shall obviously remain, because it makes us feel better than fixing the problems would.

And to entertain ourselves, we'll bitch about taxes. Always helps.
um most flat tax proposals don't start until 40k/yr (36k for forbes). if you is po', you dont pay no tax.
Keep it as is, but close as close to 100% of the loopholes as possible... including off-shore accounts.
it is OK Cat
you are not capable of grasping the concept
it really isn't your fault

perhaps I can better answer your question
by posing another question

does it really require a half a trillion dollar expenditure to

"provide for the common defense?"

Ayn Rand proposed that if you used a government service
you paid for it.

never mind, few can even begin to get their minds around the idea...


Flat tax would work, but you need to do away with the deductions too.

If it isn't complicated, with a bunch of loopholes, so the 'average' person can't
understand it, the politicians will never go for it.
They gotta have a way out of everything, so if things go wrong ya know.