yeah it requires being 'poor'
ain't it great?
Ah, but therein lies the rub. I don't consider myself poor, and never have. The thought never occurred to me that I would be considered so, as I live well above many of my neighbors. Not all, but many.
I don't intend to preach or go Hallmark on anybody, but there are more ways to measure richness than by zeroes.
I don't have a $180,000 home. But your $180,000 home doesn't have what mine does when we walk out on our front porches either. That is priceless.
I don't live in Fill In The Blank Acres. But I also don't have speed bumps, neighbors close enough to hear my bed farts, neighborhood Nazi ordinances, or highway noise.
I have a roof over my head, attached to a dwelling far nicer than I need. I have reliable transportation, I ain't missed too many meals, I stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. I have a good job, a home filled with trinkets, toys galore, decent health more often than not, a loving family, a basset hound who loves me no matter what, and color TV with cable.
In fact, all things being equal, I wouldn't trade with anyone on here for one day. So no, I ain't poor. Not even remotely close.