Teen girls get card for free ‘Pill’

Ah, there's the kneejerk. I was expecting it. Would someone tell me exactly what the correlation between wanting more unwanted babies and not wanting to encourage careless intercourse is? Coz I'd really like to see the retarded logic linking those two.

Ash, put the brain in gear for a second. Have you ever, in the entire history of our relationship, ever heard me say I want 16 year old girls punished for having sex by forcing them to have babies? No, you haven't. Ever. What you have hear me say, ad nauseum, is that if you're gonna do it .....DON'T BE FUCKING SURPRISED TO GET PREGGERS!! Don't act like you just caught a disease.

Mark, As usual, I couldn't care less about the condom breaking. Condoms breaking might on a bad day, add up to half a percent of abortions. And once again, I see another person magically linking two things. What do abortions (the destruction of a viable embryo or fetus) and triggering a female's period through the use of a massive overdose of hormones have in common? Outside, naturally, of careless fucking? Y'see y'all go linking things in your tiny fucking brains to make those who disagree with you look like the bad guys. FOCUS.

Chcr, I'm not even gonna dignify that soogy pile of shit with a reply.

Now, if that takes care of all the pro-abortion dead wood, I'd like to point out the part of the initial post, since you three obviously were busy jerking your knees and missed it, that I bolded. If any of you have a reply to that I'd be more than happy to address that. Otherwise, I can go look up the actual threads about the morning after pills where we already hashed out the shit you dragged in here and you can enjoy the replies and opinions I stated then.
To the bolded lines in the article, would you rather she have a unwanted baby, end up on welfare what ever because she was too shy?

I think they should make condom freely and easily and anonymously available, for all those shy young men, and maybe they wouldn't need this pill so often.

That and proper education might actually lower the teen pregnancy rate.
Paul, she wasn't so fucking shy with her panties about her ankles. Gotta call BS on that. Frankly, I'm tired, seriously tired of two faced people telling us that they're children until they're 18, and can't ever be asked to be responsible, while out the other side of their faces, they're telling us how they have to be allowed to keep their secrets. Used to be that, when the shit hit the fan, you turned to your family. Not today. Today, kids are given the means to conceal their mistakes from the very people best able to help them. Oh, wait ... naturally that would have to happen, since the powers that be have already done such good work ensuring that 'family' has all new, modern definitions.
To the bolded lines in the article, would you rather she have a unwanted baby, end up on welfare what ever because she was too shy?

I think they should make condom freely and easily and anonymously available, for all those shy young men, and maybe they wouldn't need this pill so often.

That and proper education might actually lower the teen pregnancy rate.

That goes against the whole conservative mantra of ABSTINANCE ONLY, for not only education but as birth control as well. For some dumb ass reason, conservative erroneously believe that access to condoms is tantamout to saying; "Have more sex, please!" The facts do not at all support this, but since when have facts ever had any place in a conservative's agenda?

Washington State Department of Health said:

And BTW, condoms break all the damn time.
If they had parents that tried to understand and help them, and not perhaps parents that call them sluts and whores and tell them they will burn in hell, then maybe they wouldn't feel a need to be so secretive....Ya think?!?
Paul, she wasn't so fucking shy with her panties about her ankles. Gotta call BS on that. Frankly, I'm tired, seriously tired of two faced people telling us that they're children until they're 18, and can't ever be asked to be responsible, while out the other side of their faces, they're telling us how they have to be allowed to keep their secrets. Used to be that, when the shit hit the fan, you turned to your family. Not today. Today, kids are given the means to conceal their mistakes from the very people best able to help them. Oh, wait ... naturally that would have to happen, since the powers that be have already done such good work ensuring that 'family' has all new, modern definitions.

As of age 16 parent cannot be involved with childrens medical whatever without the childs permission. Fine it is a bit silly that you can get laid but be shy around a Dr. or whatever, but I would rather give them a way out before they realize that they waited too long.

Sorta like prostate exams, every year many men die cause they won't let a Dr. insert a finger, just due to embarrassment. this pill deal is a stopgap measure, but let it work a little while they revamp the education systems etc.
Works both ways, saves kids for freaky religious parents who won't let them get a blood transfusion, but can keep important information from parents as well.
I don't know about that, but there sure are less deaths.

and injuries?

One a side note ... is everyone here aware that, if you've got airbags, you're no longer to use the 10 and 2 rule for steering your car? Unless you really want broken arms, that is. The airbag rule is 9-3.
I wish I could find a reference to it, but years ago I was researching sex education for a college paper. I can't remember where it was, but I assure you, it DID happen. Somewhere down south a school was giving out condoms to kids and some people sued the school (and won), and the school stopped handing out condoms. The family made out well too, but their daughter came up pregnant shortly after, ironic isn't it?
You know them damn sluts ought to have to pay by being forced to bring up their unwanted offspring. There should be zero parental or financial support not even food stamps! That would learn em! Then society can jail or execute the unwanted kids when they turn to crime later in life!

Morning after, morning shmafter! Every life is precious and it would be wrong to teach kids a pill might help them avoid disaster! These sluts ought to have "slut who didn't want her child" tattooed on her forehead so both other boy and men in the future will know what a whore she is, and her kid will know the score when he/she is old enough to read!

Fuckin' A right buddy. What, ya wake up on the right side of the bed this morning?
As of age 16 parent cannot be involved with childrens medical whatever without the childs permission..

What stupid motherfucker came up with that horseshit? If I'm responsible for his/her food, clothing, housing, education & bills I am goddamned sure gonna have a say in his/her "personal affairs".