Teen girls get card for free ‘Pill’

and injuries?

One a side note ... is everyone here aware that, if you've got airbags, you're no longer to use the 10 and 2 rule for steering your car? Unless you really want broken arms, that is. The airbag rule is 9-3.


Want to see some improvement in driving? Remove airbags, and put a big sharpened spike in the middle of the steering wheel, and watch the cull. :devious:

BTW. I'll say it again. The only 100% way of not getting pregnant is not to have sex. If you are going to have sex, then act like a pregnancy will occur every time. Especially for the men here. We have no choice as to whether the woman aborts or goes to term. We can't even have the child put up for adoption. Have a child, and your life belongs to that child until the kid is old enough to take care of him/her self. That is one of the things parenting is all about. Teaching responsibility...for good, or for ill. Anything else is negligent at best.