I'm older than he is, and there are people here older than I am... unc, for example, turns 37 today, which brings him back to being 12 years older than I am.
If you actually think it might be cancer you should have it checked, the sooner the better. If you don't think it's cancer and are just trying to make a joke then it isn't funny.
IF the bump is on either side or the front I'd get it checked immediately, if it is on the back then you're probably confusing it with the epididimus. Have them both checked by a doctor anyway, nothing beats cancer like prevention and early detection.
whew! It's just a UTI. Went to dr. Monday, and he ruled out epididymitis..not right symptoms for cancer YAY!
I'm on a fancy antibiotic, and worst part = no SEX FOR TWO WEEKS! UGH! been almost two days.. only (!) 12 more to go...(or did he mean, like, maybe WORK weeks? haha..
Why would that be? Men have urinary tracts. Men aren't immune to infections generally...and UTI's come from higher up the tract (bladder, kidneys) as infections there (usually bacterial) and move down.
Had a few stones once.. Had to have a stent put in my pecker all the way thru my bladder, up into my kidney. For a month I pissed blood cuz the stent was too big. Then I had it removed before my Lithotripsy..pissed out crystaline chunks of stones..when they hit the plastic cup in the urinal, the sound RANG thru the room! The nurse outside my door said she heard the chunx hit the plastic!
(I did too)
It hurt a lot
I'd had a UTI the following few months afterwards. Good thing I didn't get staph..