TG's av

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Well-Known Member
I can see how TG would find the "good bush/bad bush" av funny, but I sure would hate to see the site get shut down because of the pornographic image.
I'm sure the AUP does say no pubes ,but its very difficult to see and unless you know what it is you wouldn't even realize its pubes :shrug: Best thing would be for her to edit herself ,but that probably ain't gonna happen :crying4:
Damn Inky you are really reaching
on this one, what (if you look REAL close)
do you see in my AV? Hmmm lol
4-7-2 of the AUP

7)You agree not to upload, transmit, distribute, establish means of uploading, transmission, distribution, or otherwise publish (collectively "Post") through any Service, any material that is:

1. Libelous, defamatory, excessively obscene or abusive, or an invasion of privacy;
2. Pornographic, sexually explicit, or fully or partially revealing of a private body part, including but not limited to, buttocks, penises, female breasts or nipples, vaginas, or pubic hair;

And Winky ,yours has butt floss ,so its okay (well better than okay actually :brow: )
A.B.Normal said:
2. Pornographic, sexually explicit, or fully or partially revealing of a private body part, including but not limited to, buttocks, penises, female breasts or nipples, vaginas, or pubic hair;


*CB stops the upload of her latest new profile image!*

Caught on 5 accounts!
Heh thanks for the vote of confidence AB

What CB were you gonna post teddy bear pr0n?
Shame on you!
I just know that the server provider is a bit, well, anal about the porn. This issue is out of the site's admin's hands.
Winky said:
Damn Inky you are really reaching
on this one, what (if you look REAL close)
do you see in my AV? Hmmm lol


2. Pornographic, sexually explicit, or fully or partially revealing of a private body part, including but not limited to, buttocks, penises, female breasts or nipples, vaginas, or pubic hair;


:crap:If WINKY can get away with it...why can't I ? :p Talk about fricking hypocrytical INKY.

I find pubes far better to look at than dodgy PR0N :cuss:
Leslie said:
If it has buttfloss it's ok.

or partially revealing of a private body part

let me rephrase that : because its pr0nographically objectifying female arse its okay :rolleyes:

I find that FAR MORE OFFENSIVE than good old harmless bush. ;)

Mine wasn't pornographic at was a political statement :p

Face it, it was only offensive to INKY because it was poking at the reputable demenour of georgie porgie without shame :shrug:
These are the arbitrary imposed lines we've drawn. You're very aware of what they are. Stop attempting to push them.

Nice try at a wag the dog though.
We have never allowed pubes, nor penises, nor vaginas, nor buttholes nor woman nipples.

You can post butts as long as there is buttfloss.
Yeah...hell I once created a whole thread with Rose where we played a rousing version of "Ping-Thong" and 90% of the pics posted were within the AUP. :D

It's all about finding the edge of AUP and putting a wee bit of non-transparent material in front of it :D
tank girl said:
let me rephrase that : because its pr0nographically objectifying female arse its okay :rolleyes:

I find that FAR MORE OFFENSIVE than good old harmless bush. ;)

Mine wasn't pornographic at was a political statement :p

Face it, it was only offensive to INKY because it was poking at the reputable demenour of georgie porgie without shame :shrug:

You can rephrase it all you want. The simple rule is this. If it would get you hassled by a cop, for showing it in Central Park, it's gonna get you hassled here. Them's the rules. You agreed to them when you signed up. They have been explained to you twice since then. The Management sincerely hopes that they will not be obliged to furnish a third, much more memorable explaination.

Please have a nice day.
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