thank you, thank you all!


<b>mod cow</b>
i finally made it past 9k! amazing how sad my life actually is! :)

couldn't have done it without you all, i owe you people!

no seriously! :)

:moon: :wink2:

I made it past 4000 but didn't even notice... if I make 5000 before september I will have beaten my own record for posting on a BBS. :D

I've only got 194 threads though... just wondering when I'll have enough to make a blanket.... :retard:
I'm still not up to 1,000... I'm over 13,000 at JJR's but the bulk of that came in late 2000 through most of 2001... I've slowed down at posting a lot since I got married and had to focus on school and work, and it carries over to my posting habits here as well.
Professur said:
Too bad you're too late to break the 10000 first. But, hey, 15000 is still open.

yeah. but i actually got a bit of a life, so that's out of the question i guess.
I still have the life I had a year ago. Guess it could be mine unless I find a new life somewhere.
Yep, know what you mean... it's still around here somewhere... now where DID I put it?... ?(

I'm such a klutz, I will keep misplacing things...
Your out of luck Squiggy.... they lost the instructions eons ago and nobody's had the time to draw up new ones, what with all the wars, famines, natural disasters, worldwide epidemics...

... you'll just have to play it by ear, like the rest of us. :)
* Whips out instructions.

I've got instructions.

2 rules.

1. Don't sweat the petty stuff.

2. Don't pet the sweaty stuff.