That's gotta be a record non-post time..


Well-Known Member
Been to busy to post. Packing, putting up a christmas tree & decorating, getting my truck ready for the trip, cleaning, then i just got my new motherboard(finally!) so i was reinstalling my entire system which alone takes a couple of days. Things are finally settling down now. I noticied that bush is getting a smallpox inoculation. I wonder how many people would fall over laughing if he died from it or became extremely ill. Sorry that wouldn't be funny at all. Looks like another ten nations will be joining the EU.
Those being:
Czech Republic

This is who we'll be dealing with after the UN collapses. What do you know, the world still turns even when i'm not paying any attention. :D
Ooh, yes... The United States has a very high approval rating in those countries. 89% in Czech republic in fact. This might swing the EU's general anti-US and anti-Israel sentiments a bit.
yey, gotta love the economical stable Poland :rolleyes:

oh, and Bush' efforts to get a joining date for Turkey even though most EU countries don't want them in the EU at all....
Funny coincidence that Bush is suddenly putting all this effort in it since he realized he would find those military bases in Turkey come in pretty handy in the upcoming war with Iraq....
oh yes, malta...some country that can kick ass :eek:

their estimated airforce consists of what is it? two airplanes?

i mean, come on, even the dutch military force is less pathetic...
At least all of the Eastern Europe bastard stepchildren countries should be able to benefit from the greater blanket of Interpol and anti organized crime measures.
whoah, i didn't even know that, unc :eek:


mhhh...not that bad after all :)

uncle h said:
At least all of the Eastern Europe bastard stepchildren countries should be able to benefit from the greater blanket of Interpol and anti organized crime measures.

seems there are always advantages...hadn't thought of that yet, to be honest. for the netherlands it would be good it interpol would get a grip on criminals coming from bulgary to the netherlands...they're screwing up amsterdam :(
Re: Re: That's gotta be a record non-post time..

tommyj27 said:
HeXp£Øi± said:
I wonder how many people would fall over laughing if he died from it or became extremely ill. Sorry that wouldn't be funny at all.
yes it would.

That would be great, because then we would have Cheney as president! :headbang:
The Netherlands are like the swiss, they don't seem like much but they play key roles in other imortant areas such as the world bank or IMF. There's power and then there's power.
true, true, hex...:)

i DO know they play a quite important role in cleaning up (sea) mines...they have quite some experience in that field..:)
last I remember of Cyprus, it was in a 30+ year war with a Greek controlled side and a Turkish controlled side with the whole thing being about as tense as the Irish civil war. Canadian UN troops were the buffer for decades. Is this the Greek or Turk side thats joining the union. I cant believe that the country might have unified.
that conflict hasn't been solved yet, has it? :confuse3:

last time some friends of mine went over there (six months ago) there was still a military build up from both sides...
Turkey will become much more important to the US. It will slowly move to the forfront in world issues. We'll need a democratic county in that part of the world to help us do our bidding.
It's better. Still i little blurry and sensative to light but i can see ok. Now i'm wondering if this freaky red scar on my eyeball will heal.