That's my name...don't wear it out...


Staff member
OK, so there is this cute co-op student here at work, his name is Bryon and he is a computer student. Anyway, whenever I see him he always feels the need to use my name...such as "Good Morning Nicole", "What's up Nicole?" etc etc...Now, I always respond but I never use his name...although I do know it. I can't for the LIFE of me figure out why he always uses my name...I personally find it kinda weird, I don't generally include a person's name when addressing them.

Any ideas why he always throws my name in there??
modern psychology has shown that people are complimented when people use you given name....:shrug: but i think that overuse can be annoying...i'd start using his constantly too and maybe he'll get the message.
hahaha yeah maybe I will

Chris (the bf) thinks it's the funniest thing EVER!

My first thought was "He wants me to know that he knows my name" but I think he must realize that I've figured that out by now...he is a U of Waterloo computer student after computer school in the country...
There is no more alluring sound in the whole world than one's'll turn your head faster than the sound of screaching tires or a whistle. Some people have learned to use someone's name at least once in a conversation...usually right at the beginning. Some people go overboard :)

I'd reply in kind, Nicole :D
Nicole I believe he is being polite when he is using "Nicole", your name which is Nicole, in addressing you as "Hi, Nicole". When he says "Nicole", that being your name which is Nicole, he is respecting your character which he was probably brought up to do.....yupp..i'd say thats why he says "Nicole" whenever he addresses you Nicole....

Nicole Nicole Nicole Nicole...*runs away*
maybe he is waiting for you to call him by his name. constantly says Nicole to egg you into saying his name at least once.
:trout: IDLEChild

Spot: That was another thought of mine...maybe he wants to make sure I know his name...
Maybe he's practicing for the point while his fantasy comes true when you tell him, "say my name, bitch." :D
I like the polite thing, it works. It could also be he's awful with names & it's a reminder technique & he forgets.
Dunno Bryon, but is English his first language.......I've seen folks who've adopted/forced to use the English language address people like that before :)

A lil' weird, but quite flattering in a way IMO :)
I've got coworkers like that too. They'll say "Hi, Nate." when I come to work, but I don't respond in kind. I just say something like "Hi" or "Hello".

I feel weird addressing people with their names, especially when they already know I'm talking to them.
Any chance this guys worked in retail or is a business student?
Have you ever noticed when your buying something with your debit card or any card ,the cashier will usually read your name off the card and use it when talking with you.One of the things they encourage at work (Costco) is to use someones name when talking to them (customers or staff).I'm horrible with names and always have to refer to the nametags of new hires for several weeks ,this isn't a problem with the guys ,but I'm sure the women figure I'm looking at their breasts.I've got very good at reading nametags from a distance ,so as to avoid this. :swing:
A.B.Normal said:
Any chance this guys worked in retail or is a business student?
Have you ever noticed when your buying something with your debit card or any card ,the cashier will usually read your name off the card and use it when talking with you.One of the things they encourage at work (Costco) is to use someones name when talking to them (customers or staff).I'm horrible with names and always have to refer to the nametags of new hires for several weeks ,this isn't a problem with the guys ,but I'm sure the women figure I'm looking at their breasts.I've got very good at reading nametags from a distance ,so as to avoid this. :swing:
i'm horrible with names too...i have a buncha regulars that i only know to refer to them by their orders "here comes 2 eggs over well and 2 bacon" :shrug: they all know my name...but then again they don't wear name tags.