The 10,000 Post Thread!

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oh, I'm sorry Sf, I should have thought about your feelings too...

...I'll leave the KY with you boys, have fun! :D

Oh Ku'u? :sex:
Psycho said:
oh, I'm sorry Sf, I should have thought about your feelings too...

...I'll leave the KY with you boys, have fun! :D
Thank you so much, but a 10% full bucket of KY isn't enough. Mind if I ask with whom you utilized it?
We should start planning celebrations for the 100th page.

How should we commemorate the milestone?

A page full of headbanger-only posts? :beardbng:
It's 4 a.m. and I'm up again,
There's nothing to do but spam.
The world is dark and I'm alone.
All alone I am.
I haven't seen this thread for years,
Conversation must be boring.
I guess I'll sit and talk to myself,
Till my myself can get me snoring.

Oh woe, oh woe, oh woe, oh woe,
Why does the world keep turning?
When I am up, and one by one,
My brain cells keep a-burning.

:( :retard:
Nixy said:
Unc shoudl be spamming in HERE!
*strikes a Shakespearean pose* Unc is spamming his own thread as a direct compettitor to this ... this, this bare countenace; devoid of character, remis in direction, usurper of hubris. I vex thee... *graceful exit*
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