The 10,000 Post Thread!

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Just another post to add to the 100,000 thingy thread! :D

But 145 pages is shocking!!! :D I wonder if I could type 145 pages worth of stuff :eek: :confuse3: :D ?( :mad: :rolleyes: :D
Lets see shall we? I aint gonna get busted for this am I?

here it goes... :D :eek: ?( :( :eek: :cool: :mad: :) :p :grumpy: :rolleyes: ;) :headbang: :confuse3: :confuse2: :confuse2: :coffee: :confuse2: :headbang: :circle: :chef: :cake: :buck2: :bs: :bottle2: :borg2: :borg: :bottle: :brow: :buck: :burn: :canada: :cocktail: :conehead: :confuse3: :grumpy: :eek9: :eek6: :eek7: :laugh5: :laugh: :la: :kane: :hug: :luke: :lurk:

I think thats enough... I dont wanna get busted, and I don't want all the people on dial-up to get pissed at me. lol

:tomato: :sick5: :readpb: *punch* :nuts7: :readpb: :readpb: :readpb: :readpb: :sex2: :sex2: :sex2: :sperm: :sperm: :sperm: :sperm:

it's all good, once they all cache in my browser. can't imagine the slowdown for the poor sobs with slow machines
There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra than
Alzheimers research.

This means that by 2020, there should be a large elderly population with
perky boobs and erections and no recollection of what to do with them.
*thinks about it
*decides that the banannas truly are the greatest thing he's ever seen
*thinks about it some more
*decides to post the banannas somewhere else so he can crawl under the table with vortex and save the banannas for later
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