The 10,000 Post Thread!

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If you hadn't made those two posts I would have spammed a whole page.
Oh what the hell, i'll just shut up.
Sorrry for spamfest
i wonder if we got a telezapper and shoved it up altron's ass if the spam would get zapped...what if we plugged the telezapper into the A/C outlet?:D
/me starts crying.
/me goes over to corner and sits on stool, still crying
/me finds rock under stool
/me picks up rock
/me names rock Philip
/me and Philip become best friends
/me and Philip go outside to play
/me finds another rock
/me names rock Linda
/me watches happily as Philip and Linda get married and live happily ever after
nah... it was a pity declaration ... not an honest or flippant one.... but I've never turned down a hug from a hottie before.
Or do other things involving latex "novelties" with names like "ribbed condom" and "french tickler"... :headbang:
This has been a test of the headbanger-only post warning system. This was only a test. Had it been a real headbanger-only post emergency, the preceding post would have been accompanied by emergency information. This was only a test.

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