The 10,000 Post Thread!

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MN is central time, i was thinking eastern time was -1 hour from me instead of +1 hour...oh screw it, now i'm confused too:retard:
And Altron's post reads from top to bottom:

Altron said:
* Altron isn't addicted :angel:
* Altron sucks at lying
* Altron is addicted
* Altron eats rock :confbang:

Strange little boy ;)


Okay, I thought that was funny.
Oh dear...Now Spirit wants Altron to explain something....I'm getting confused...Who turned the world upside down?....:crying3:
"If at first you don't suceed, try try again until you are so tired you can't try anymore then realise that you just wasted a whole afternoon trying to do something you can't do" - My Brother
Altron said:
"If at first you don't suceed, try try again until you are so tired you can't try anymore then realise that you just wasted a whole afternoon trying to do something you can't do" - My Brother
:lol: :D Teehee, I wanna meet your brother!
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