The 10,000 Post Thread!

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#7526. i really wish my mates here would stop talking about hentai. i dont want to know about sailor moon and the 7 balls
White bread, crust on, creamy peanut butter both sides, grape jelly in the middle.
Thick cut wholemeal(what you call wheatmeal I think) - no butter but about half an inch thick crunchy peanut butter and strawberry jam. :licklips:
unclehobart said:
wheatmeal? Doesn't sound familiar. Whole grain possibly?

I must be going bonkers! :retard: Why did I put that - it's half of each jumbled up? :lol: I must have been in too much of a hurry - I've just got back from my teaching class - I meant wholewheat I think?

Wholegrain is something entirely different over here, with whole wheat grains in the bread.
Ah, yes. Whole wheat. Soft and refined like white bread... just utilizing more of the wheat kernel and having a very brown colour in the end.

Whole grain over here is the equivalent of a stronger wheat base bread that looks like its been rolled in a sack of horse feed.

I love the German black bread that almost requires a chainsaw to break into. Each slice weighing in at a full kilo and stuffed with nuts, berries, car parts, and discarded pihnocle decks.
White, crust, smooth, just peanut butter.......I don't trust the jelly.......I also don't trust Mrs. Butterworths Waffle syrup :p
unclehobart said:
I love the German black bread that almost requires a chainsaw to break into. Each slice weighing in at a full kilo and stuffed with nuts, berries, car parts, and discarded pihnocle decks.

I like blackbread with german salami or shingken (ham, like smoked bacon very thinly cut - I spelt it the way I hear it) but for some reason they always gives me hiccups? ?(

I also like rye bread. :licklips:

WTF! This making me hungary - time for a snack!
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