The 10,000 Post Thread!

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I wish I knew... I don't really have any straight forward project to report on right now, but I did get into that university I applied for to do a creative writing course, so I should catch fiction fever again before long. I never thought I could want someone to give me an essay title so much.
I'm sure you'll do great. You have a definite talent for it.

Remember the chapter you sent me? Got chapter 2 yet?
Cheers, mate. If I do have talent somewhere in there it needs a lot of work though I think.
No, I don't really write that stuff in any normal, methodical way. It's just something that sort of lives in my head and progresses along with me.
blaa dee blah dee blah :)

/me sighs happily and latches onto the closest person

* Arris nurses his Vortex bite mark covered arm *

Here take all the sweets... just don't resort to cannibalism!!!! :eek:
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