Lets see here. Since this isnt a specific subject thread. Ill rant some more.
The last format and win-blows re-install i did i had gotten all my updated drivers for my hardware. i installed all the security updates and service packs from win-blows update. I tried to install norton system works and it will crash and restart as it nears the end of the "Registering Components" part of the installation.
So i figured that it was just a bad cd or file or something. So i tried to install Paint Shop Pro 7 and i didnt even get past the install wizard screen!!
So i figured it wall all the updates i downloaded from windows. So i formated again and spent 3-4 for hours installing windows with no BIOS CACHE enabled. So now its working and i only have my sound and NIC card drivers installed. I tried to install system works again and it got a little farther, but still resulted in a crash and restart.
At first i thought it was the updates last time, now im beginning to think that my hardrive is going t die soon, or is faulty in some way. Its a seagate so it is very much possible that its broken, i got it last christmas so its not that old. Its a 60 gig hardrive and its all i could afford, i mean , it was only 70 bucks at best buy. Im beginning to get angry god damnit, i dont have ANY money to replace ANYTHING. I have 1 dollor in my wallet, and no job. Im beggining to go nuts, im losing sleep over this too, i love my luggy, poor baby.
I think ill have to put her out of service soon