The 10,000 Post Thread!

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\[ = [
\] = ]
* = all members including empty
? = or

i don't know what . means, in flex it is an and, but here seems to be another symbol
fury said:
The thing that determines whether to turn on BBCode in a post or not uses a preg_match

preg_match('#\[.+\].*?\[/.+\]#s', $message)

Can someone who's good with that function translate that into english for me so I can find out whether or not that needs fixing?

I'm afraid I can't help you with this one :(
I have very little to no knowledge when it comes to PHP :(

+ = needs at least on string
* = compliant strings and null string
. = any characther
? = or
\[ = symbol [
\] = symbol ]

the # must be some sort of delimitator for the parser.

\] and \[ should be delimiters for a given regular expression.

i think i have the meaning of it (hard time remembering a two semesters old class).


it means that any string starting with a # (wich is the first ubb code) followed by at least one symbol (.+) cated (sp??) with any other combination of symbols OR another combination of symbols starting with the symbol /

#s is the ending ubb code.
Luis G said:
Searched for LOL, 858 matches

phpBB Created this page in 1.264934 seconds : 16 queries executed : GZIP compression enabled

i think that's not the searching time thou.
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