The 10,000 Post Thread!

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Yeah, Luis, I'll just go into his bedroom at six in the morning, wake him up and go...
"Oh sorry, yeah, I was just wondering if you'll take a picture of this spam?" :D ;) :p
I'm very excited. You get to be a Senior Member at 500.

Think you can make it without falling asleep?

A hundred in a night??? I think that's asking a little too much!
(Although I know I'm probably gonna sit here, anyway and try anyway, lol.)

I've got nothng else to do. Except for watch The Usual Suspects again and again until I know it word for word :D :D :D


So is it just OTC that is keeping you awake, or have you been an insomniac long?
I don't sleep very well.
I don't know if you can call it insomnia. But it usually takes me a few hours to get to sleep, unless I can see it's starting to get light outside...then I just give up!

I think too much.:)
I usually give up when I realize I have to be at work in less than 5 hours. That usually gets me to go ahead and sleep, otherwise, I consider sleep a waste of precious time.
Yeah, definitely.
The annoying thing is when you are actually really tired, but you still can't sleep. That's when I get really pissed.
Can you believe this thread was a mere six slots from being swept off the front page like some unwanted piece of trash?

The Horror!
*GASP* I should have saved it! I have been here on and off all day! I am sorry! *begs for forgiveness from the SPAM gods*
Someone (someone clever) should turn this thread's name into

'THE INFINITE THREAD' or something.

Since 1000 post thread doesn't really work anymore. :D

i was about to do it........but i'm kinda affraid that it goes to the oblivion if i do it......
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