The 10,000 Post Thread!

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Kahlua, a mexican liquor, tastes great with Coffee. I suppose you're more of a Brass Monkey person?
Kinda, not really. It's just creamy good delicious. Can get you really shitfaced really quick. We used to drop shots of it in a glass of stout then chug it.
ohhhh yeah, i like Kahlua, not with the coffee thou...........

i like it straight :D :D
Straight huh? Must be a Mexican thing. I thought mixing it with stout was bad.

Actually have no point to this post, just bringing it back up the page is all. :headbang:
Hmmm. Oh ok, damn would you look at that. It's empty,

*hic* How did that happen?
ok, we have tons of Kahlua, Tequila and beer in Mexico......

they are on, what would you like to drink? :D
tequila. God I love that stuff, funny thing is, every time I start drinking that, I can't remember if I had a good time or not.
Yeah, well I can't really remember drinking a whole lot either. It all just goes away pretty quick. I hear I'm a pretty good time though. At least that's what they told me.

My favorite is a good screwdriver, fresh orange juice, and Absolut Citron. I can drink those all day long.
ever tried Absolute Mandarin ?

you gotta try is way better than Citron.
Yup, had that too. I think I still like the Citron better. That Peppar is great for Bloody Marys too. I love Absolut.
yeah, they made great vodka. :headbang:

however, their stuff is very expensive here, and i don't drink much vodka lately, i quit it.

rum, is my current favourite.
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