The 10,000 Post Thread!

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Chorus: We got Death Star! We got Death Star! We got Death Star! ... And you know that we got it.. Death Star! ... And you know that we need it... Death Star!

(repeat) (fade to black)
Like the Germans would say in that case es hat ein stich ins [insert your color here]

No idea how to translate that though D
unclehobart said:
watch this film!

When I read that I thought of Prof (how he would always say "Make me." when replying to posts like that). :confuse3: Where is he? He's been gone awhile now.

How could we NOT notice him NOT being here? :eek:
I'm so ashamed I haven't noticed him MIA before!

Geez, there are definately some key members missing here :(
This one is cool too...

again.. hit the 'watch this movie' tab to get past the fluff.
Ok, I posted another "Prof?" thread If he's lurking, hopefully he'll reply. I imagine Mr. Bishop will answer, anyway. :hadbang:
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