The 10,000 Post Thread!

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Hate is an over-rated emotion... I don't care enough anymore to be bothered. As far as I can see the best slap in the face for an asshole is to be successfu. :)
PrincessLissa said:
I hate my ex, although recently I am missing the idea of him.

You mean the guy that was member of JJR's? (hamburguer or something like that) :confuse3:

what happened?
Aunty Em said:
It's almost tomorrow here... so I'll just get the party started... feel free to join in over there...
Let's get this party started
I'm sick of begging you
You make me feel insane
Which I did to you
Let's get this party started
You make me feel insane
I want to be the one
To make myself sign
has strange desire to listen to korn
Luis G said:
You mean the guy that was member of JJR's? (hamburguer or something like that) :confuse3:

what happened?

He and I broke up about a year ago.

I miss the idea of having him tho. But I was really talking about this guy Ben I was with for a very short while.
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