the 2nd part

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A.B.Normal said:
Ummm.......didn't I use to be in the OTC gallery ,not the rather fetching one where I had breasts :brow: either ,I'm sure I was.

Yes my dear you were...and I do not know where you've gone...send in another and we'll get it all righted

tank girl said:
Think he got scared away :brush:

Hardly. Just contemplating things for a bit. It's a bit of a shock ya know, your thoughts used to be ones I could respect. What happened?

a13antichrist said:
Hardly. Just contemplating things for a bit. It's a bit of a shock ya know, your thoughts used to be ones I could respect. What happened?

You stopped banging her? j/k

Prof said:
You stopped banging her? j/k

Why bother with the j/k?

a13antichrist said:
your thoughts used to be ones I could respect...

yeah, right. The ones that complimented yours...:shrug:

You forgot that I don't have to worship the ground you walk on now that you are no longer in my life...:rolleyes:

...What happened?

I grew up... Or something. far as thoughts and opinions go on here, I feel it is more accurate to point out that, as I see it - Tank Girl 'happened'.

I see no logic in crossing virtuality with reality, enough said.Thats why this alter-ego tank girl exists.

To me that sort of preconception that reality and the representation of that reality on the internet is one and the same - is not a very intelligent one.

To understand me, You must understand that Tank Girl is, virtually, a persona in her own right...her thoughts and opinions are no more 'owned' by 'Jen' than her pixels are... however the implicit connection, remains there all the same..tank as she exists at the OTC is my creation. Tis true that cannot be denied ;)

So c'mon, join the fan-club...places are going fast :p

tank girl said:
To understand me, You must understand that Tank Girl is, virtually, a persona in her own right...her thoughts and opinions are no more 'owned' by 'Jen' than her pixels are... however the implicit connection, remains there all the same..tank as she exists at the OTC is my creation. Tis true that cannot be denied ;)

Sybil? Is that you?

tank girl said:
I see no logic in crossing virtuality with reality, enough said.Thats why this alter-ego tank girl exists.

To me that sort of preconception that reality and the representation of that reality on the internet is one and the same - is not a very intelligent one.

The preconception that it "is" either one or the other is what's not very intelligent. It's whatever you choose it to be - you can portray your "real" self or you can fake it with a virtual self, if you were so terribly unhappy with your "real" self. What is it about Jen you hate so much?

As for the logic in crossing the two.. the logic lies in the fact that Jen knows how to communicate and interact with people (sort of). Tank Girl obviously doesn't.

tank girl said:
You forgot that I don't have to worship the ground you walk on now that you are no longer in my life...:rolleyes:

So that means you worshiped it when he was in your life?

a13antichrist said:
The preconception that it "is" either one or the other is what's not very intelligent. It's whatever you choose it to be - you can portray your "real" self or you can fake it with a virtual self, if you were so terribly unhappy with your "real" self. What is it about Jen you hate so much?

As for the logic in crossing the two.. the logic lies in the fact that Jen knows how to communicate and interact with people (sort of). Tank Girl obviously doesn't.

I wouldn't expect you, after two seconds on the scene - to understand where I'm coming from.

That sort of rationalisation is obviously entirely what I disagree with and is completely flawed according to the theories that I align myself with when it comes to the concept of virtuality. There is NOTHING 'fake' about me...Jen...and nothing hateful either, I am a fantastic girl; and I don't think of myself as anything less. As far as representation as TG goes it is even more a process of symbiosis - feeding of one and the other. But you are right in saying that it is "whatever you choose it to be" thats entirely correct.

(I'll save the unhappiness bit for another thread or perhaps a private conversation because that has nothing to do with the concept I am discussing here )

I have to disagree with where you are coming from- because the intelligent thing is getting beyond the common sense that you are as you represent yourself virtually and acknowledge the fact that everything you use to represent something is make-believe. There is a whole complex theoretical debate about the nature of virtuality and since you clearly dont or aren't willing to subscribe to it I am not really interested in trying to explain everything...when it takes quite a bit of reading to fully grasp anyway. But thats the philosophy I have, I won't let you or anyone interfere with that...So leave your criticisms for someone who cares.

So I'm not even going to waste my time with your useless dismissive critcisms...I came here to have fun, not to have a war with you - and if you can't handle that then please don't pester me with your failing observations in your attempt to understand me. I don't appreciate it and I don't think that really is very fair. We already have a researchchimp to conduct our experiments on. :p

As far as communicating and interacting go - that is exactly what I am here to do...and wuite enjoy doing... funny that. :tardbang:

1:Transmit information
2:Transmit thoughts or feelings
3:Transfer to another
4:Be in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas.

1.Act together or towards others or with others

Luis G said:
So that means you worshiped it when he was in your life?

uhuh, just about. crazy and naiive days. :lol: now I'm just crazy, cynical and mean... :D

tank girl said:
I came here to have fun, not to have a war with you -

My point is simply, why do you feel you need an alter-ego to achieve this?

Regardless of how you choose to represent it, or on what plane you choose to define that representation, surely observing the virtual representation of your own personality as perceived, understood, and experienced by others is more interesting than that same virtual perception by others of a conjured, rootless quasi-identity?

Oh Krap I had a feeling this was going to be good.

and besides

We already have a researchchimp to conduct our experiments on.

Yeah but he's getting tired...

a13antichrist said:
My point is simply, why do you feel you need an alter-ego to achieve this?

Regardless of how you choose to represent it, or on what plane you choose to define that representation, surely observing the virtual representation of your own personality as perceived, understood, and experienced by others is more interesting than that same virtual perception by others of a conjured, rootless quasi-identity?

I don't feel I need an alter-ego, I just find the alter-ego philosphy one fitting with how I personaly view the nature of virtuality.

Virtuality IS RE-presentation therefore there is no way (that I believe) - it can be "percieved, understood and experienced" as a transparent plane of identification with my "authentic self".

I don't believe such a plane exists as much as I discredit the actual possibility of there every existing such thing as an "authentic self" in the first place :shrug:

How can you be so confident about what my "own personality" really is? You may have had the opportunity to get to know part of it at one time - but people change all the time - and I personally have changed so much in the past 12 months I would hardly recognise myself and the things I believe in and how I am now- thats what growth, experience and an education tends to do to you. :shrug: God knows what I'll be like in five years time...:shrug:

Nothing and no-one is constant y'know. Especially where it comes to identity...

how can you, of all the people I have known - be so sure that you know you knew "the real" me in the first place?

tank girl said:
How can you be so confident about what my "own personality" really is? You may have had the opportunity to get to know part of it at one time - but people change all the time - and I personally have changed so much in the past 12 months I would hardly recognise myself and the things I believe in and how I am now- thats what growth, experience and an education tends to do to you. :shrug: God knows what I'll be like in five years time...:shrug:

Nothing and no-one is constant y'know. Especially where it comes to identity...

how can you, of all the people I have known - be so sure that you know you knew "the real" me in the first place?

I don't claim to. I'm reffering solely to your statement that "Tank Girl" is a completely distinct and independant identity to "Jen". How well or poorly I know either of them is irrelevant - one of them you created, the other you grew into. Why do you feel you need two?

How dare you call Tank girl a "a conjured, rootless quasi-identity"...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everything I believe in she believes in, and vice-versa - so she definately has roots otherwise she wouldn't have the cause to be so passionate about them.

It just so happens that this medium provides the opportunity to be free of all the limititation and modesty of reality so that she is free to be as loud and as expressive and as expressive in a way that "Jen" could only dream of...

Everybody has a quasi-identity virtual or not and conjured, well only because everything that is used to create this bulletin board is conjured, so go figure...

You, A13 are conjured too - even though you are pparently too blind to see it.

Get a room, or at least your own thread, jesus H christ.

WHat does the H stand for anyway?
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