the 2nd part

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No way Goznog this is good shnizzle!

There's no fun to be had reading arguments
between the usual low-IQ tards around here
(everyone who considers themselves a low-IQ tard
feel perfectly free to assume a righteous state of indignation)
to watch two former lovers that posses low genius intelligences
'go' at it
now That’s Entertainment!

passes Spirit an Ice Cold DP…

tank girl said:
It just so happens that this medium provides the opportunity to be free of all the limititation and modesty of reality so that she is free to be as loud and as expressive and as expressive in a way that "Jen" could only dream of...

Everybody has a quasi-identity virtual or not and conjured, well only because everything that is used to create this bulletin board is conjured, so go figure...

You, A13 are conjured too - even though you are pparently too blind to see it.

I think the fact that you see yourself as two separate people says more than anything else. This persona is an extension of my own personality, not a re-creation of a recessive character that I wish I was able to portray "in real life". I'm not about to hide behind the facade of an "internet representation" to provide excuses for doing or saying things of which you would otherwise be ashamed or incapable, which by your own admission is your very purpose for Tank Girl.

The internet is not a parallel dimension where you can run off and escape your worldly troubles - it is an extension of the physical world just like a sports club or a telephone conference. Those who use it as the former are only a few steps away from things like LSD.

What the heck have I stepped into? I think I am in the wrong forum here. Every forum I have visited tonight, after being gone for an extended time, has someone or alot of someones arguing. Guess I haven't missed to much now have I?!? :confused:

a13antichrist said:
I think the fact that you see yourself as two separate people says more than anything else. This persona is an extension of my own personality, not a re-creation of a recessive character that I wish I was able to portray "in real life". I'm not about to hide behind the facade of an "internet representation" to provide excuses for doing or saying things of which you would otherwise be ashamed or incapable, which by your own admission is your very purpose for Tank Girl.

The internet is not a parallel dimension where you can run off and escape your worldly troubles -

Whatever you say, Boss. You obviously have no Idea what I'm talking about. I tried to explain and you come up with more crap with these personal attacks on me. I already told you, I don't want a war, I already told you to leave me alone...

But you don't want that....

Do you know anything about semiotics? Mythology? the science of signs? post-structural theory? the theory of real-virtuality? no, I think not. Do yourself a favour and look it up sometime. Perhaps you'll grasp where I'm coming from, its not exactly rocket science.

I DON'T "see myself as two seperate people" no
I DON'T "use this as an escape" no

Drawing on that is just a pathetic distraction from the way I take this to be, obviously this concept is a bit beneath you and you aren't capable of understanding where I am coming from with that theory so just drop it okay?

I never said I was incapable or ashamed of anything. Why should I be?????

Leslie, give me some Lithium please...:rolleyes:

Sorry dude Spirit got the last one but I sent Les
out to get more.

tank girl said:
Whatever you say, Boss. You obviously have no Idea what I'm talking about. I tried to explain and you come up with more crap with these personal attacks on me. I already told you, I don't want a war, I already told you to leave me alone...

Intersting phenomena, wouldn't you say? Those who don't know you grew tired of you. Those who did you, grew tired of you. Then he showed up on a BBS & noticed you & he's already attacking.

It seems as though the whole TG thing may well be a bust.

hehe...I said bust to TG...hehe

please explain to me why you think that A13 is from Paris? he's from me. Hasn't been in Paris for nearly two years or so now, I guess - he just wishes he were. Just proves my "virtuality/reality" concept thing...he's a hypocrite for even attacking it as a fault :rolleyes:

Those who don't know you grew tired of you. Those who did you, grew tired of you.

Gonz that was a low shot... even for you.

Don't pretend you don't love me :winkkiss:

Is this the photo gallery thread, or a place where people can speak of themselves in the third person and spew pseudo-intellectual garbage?

Just for the record, he never said he was from France, he just said he was livinig currently over there.

In fact I'm pretty sure that someday he said where he was actually from, but I can't remember if he said NZ or not.

Luis G said:
Just for the record, he never said he was from France, he just said he was livinig currently over there.

In fact I'm pretty sure that someday he said where he was actually from, but I can't remember if he said NZ or not.

Okay. Well Paris, France it is then. :rolleyes:

Did I mention I currently live in Post-apocalyptic suburbia?


abooja said:
Is this the photo gallery thread, or a place where people can speak of themselves in the third person and spew pseudo-intellectual garbage?

the latter, it appears. :eyebrow:

This is OFF TOPIC CENTRAL after all :shrug: It wouldn't be right not to do its name justice, now...would it?
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