The ACLU in action...again

WND said:
Upset with what they see as a relentless attack on the Boy Scouts, a group plans to sing religious and satirical Christmas carols in front of the Washington, D.C., office of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Volunteers with Public Advocate of the United States say the event Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. will "highlight the ACLU's continuing disregard for the rights of the young men in the Boy Scouts to maintain their morally straight principles."

As WorldNetDaily reported, the Pentagon will warn its bases not to sponsor Boy Scout troops after agreeing to settle an issue in a five-year-old lawsuit brought by the ACLU, which charged the government with improperly supporting a group requiring members to believe in God.

The ACLU complained the Boy Scouts of America "requires troop and pack leaders, in this case government employees, to compel youth to swear an oath of duty to God."

Public Advocate says it "hopes that the spirit of the Christmas season will fill the members and employees of the ACLU and that they will embrace the morals and principles of groups like the Boy Scouts and renounce their efforts to destroy traditional values in America."

The ACLU national office is at 915 15th St., NW, between I & K Streets in the nation's capital.
Gonz as an atheist I wanna let you onna widdle secret
‘it ain’t us’ we ain’t against the pagan hordes worshiping their
pagan Gods. We ain’t behind this crap. It is the same guys
that want Ghey scout leaders and Fag priests, the same guys that
want socialized medicine, that want all Mess-kin immigrants to
keep their supposed ‘heritage’ (um OK Indians got conquered by
Spaniards and made them speak Spanish) Keep them speaking
Spanish and therefore second-class citizens out of the main stream
dependent on the government. The Same folks that brought you
LBJ’s great society and the war on poverty. Yep the destructors
of the Black family that has been so effective that it is widely known
that 3 out of every four black children born in this country today are
born out of wedlock (in the old days they’d be called ‘bastards’ LOL)
Yep the folks behind legalization of medical marijuana.
And making ever personal moral weakness a psychiatric disorder’
rather than a personal failing to stand up and face life head on.

I needed continue? you all git the Eye De Er!
Oh Did I mention I have a rather intense distaste
for them Godless communists?

Now you know the rest of the story.
C'Mon I've lived my life by (most) of the rules in that book not because of a fear of God but because
it is just right!

Click this link and listen to the part that comes before the custom builder commercial.

This guy is a hoot but he's Right Heh heh heh

Doug Giles

Hey and I AM a 'practicing' atheist.
There needs to be a third word.

Atheist has come to denote anti-religion.
Agnostic believes in something, just not sure what.

I have zero faith there is a God but I have no problem with those that believe, as long as they don't come into my house & prosthelitize. Our country was settled by PURITAN PILGRIMS, fer christ sake. Our forefathers decided rule#1 was no pissing on the other guys religion & no official state religion (they remember when Church of England meant something).

Practicing athesist is an oxymoron.