The angry white man

Not exactly a card carrying member of the Masters of the Obvious Society are you? That would be those who are opposed to illegal (keyword "illegal") immigration.

So are you calling me a racist or a closet racist? You seem to believe, and I'm sure you will clear that up for all of us shortly, that anyone who is against illegal (keyword "illegal") immigration is a racist or a closet racist but a racist nonetheless.

are all the people that oppose illegal immigration the same in all other respects?
My wife is opposed to illegal immigration and she is of Mexican heritage; so the answer to your question would be "No."

well then there's your answer, fishbulb.

Maybe I got lost somewhere. What the fuck was your point or purpose in the last few cryptic posts?
I'm a white man & moderately miffed that he was able to
create a fictitious user account after being perma-banned.

Perhaps that is one of the reasons I was un-banned?
Should I be appreciative or
should I want to rage against the machine to display my displeasure?
"Calling someone a bitch is ok, especially Winky" - noted.

Wrong and wrong.

You can call anyone whatever you like, as long as the person involved agrees to being called like that.*

*Restrictions apply
I'm kind of surprised that you'd want people to think you really are that much of a moron.