The angry white man

So if all white supremacists are apparently right-wing, then all right-wingers must be white supremacists. Is that the gist here?

Nobody said that did they? I think you're trying to use a straw man here.

Obviously the gist is that von Brunn is clearly a right winger.
Let me clear it all up for you. It's not about Conservative vs Liberal..or Right vs left wing.

It's about religion - moderates vs extremists. The octogenarian gunman, the muslim shooter and the thing in common. Their religious fervor.

Almost typed fever... but that would've been too accurate.

Actually, it's about one nutbar. Period. Fin. All the rest is simply association. Grouping them together makes as much sense as as suggesting that 747's migrate because they fly south for the winter.
Actually, it's about one nutbar. Period. Fin. All the rest is simply association. Grouping them together makes as much sense as as suggesting that 747's migrate because they fly south for the winter.
If it was only one nutbar that spoiled the batch, it'd be easier to find him/her and make dissociating religion from the whole mess easier to do... but that's not the case, I'm afraid.

It's three nutbars...and only the most recent three.

Like I said... EXTREMISM in religion. The average 'moderate' religious person wouldn't even think of stoning someone to death for showing an ankle, or burning down an abortion clinic, or strapping explosives to themselves and going Boom for Buddha

The problem starts being worst when the population average shifts more towards the extreme side of the equation. If it was shifting more towards the moderate side, we wouldn't be having all these problems.
his anti-immigrant sentiments

Why is it so hard to understand that a vasy majority of us who find illegal aliens to be criminals are not against legal immigration - from any country? When your first act in this country is to break a law getting into this country, we've seen enough.
why is it so hard for you to understand that a giant chunk of folks are simply against "different" people showing up? now, i don;t think that you, specifically, despise immigrants, but many, many of those that don't like them south-of-the-border types, well, ain't quite as socially enlightened.
why is it so hard for you to understand that a giant chunk of folks are simply against "different" people showing up? now, i don;t think that you, specifically, despise immigrants, but many, many of those that don't like them south-of-the-border types, well, ain't quite as socially enlightened.

So do you believe that the United States should renounce their sovereignty and throw the borders wide open?

Are you aware that we who are against illegal (key word "illegal") from the South immigration are also against illegal (key word "illegal") from the North? There are Asians, Europeans, Brits, Arabs, etc coming here illegally (key word "illegally") through Canada as well.

The best you can come up with is that we simply don't like their color. That is not true. I want the Brit, the Scot, the Irishman et al sent back to their own country not just those of other shades.
Aah...but those who are against illegal immigrants are also those who spout diatribes against having to press '1' for English, when it's patently obvious that the press '2' for Spanish option is there to serve the growing number for LEGAL immigrants from Mexico, South America and Spain.

Yes, there are a lot of illegal immigrants from Mexico et al....but the legal immigrants are being caught up in the same net of hate and are being painted with the same brush.
Aah...but those who are against illegal immigrants are also those who spout diatribes against having to press '1' for English, when it's patently obvious that the press '2' for Spanish option is there to serve the growing number for LEGAL immigrants from Mexico, South America and Spain.

Yes, there are a lot of illegal immigrants from Mexico et al....but the legal immigrants are being caught up in the same net of hate and are being painted with the same brush.

Bunk. The United States is an English speaking country. The primary language is English, the primary written language is English.

We should not kowtow to those who refuse to assimilate into our culture any more than the French should kowtow to the increasing number of Brits who are moving there. Is there a "Press 2 for English" in France? Montreal? Why not? The number of English-only speaking persons in those places is about the same ratio as Spanish-only speaking persons in the U.S.
1. So do you believe that the United States should renounce their sovereignty and throw the borders wide open?

2. Are you aware that we who are against illegal (key word "illegal") from the South immigration are also against illegal (key word "illegal") from the North? There are Asians, Europeans, Brits, Arabs, etc coming here illegally (key word "illegally") through Canada as well.

3. The best you can come up with is that we simply don't like their color. That is not true. I want the Brit, the Scot, the Irishman et al sent back to their own country not just those of other shades.

1. that would be ridiculous. i never said that. you really should work for a british tabloid.

2 + 3. "we simply don't like their color." who is "we," exactly?"

you're saying that everyone that is against illegal immigration is only against illegal immigration... and that nowhere is it a euphemism for something else?

bullshit. hmmm whattya think the ku klux klam thinks of immigration?

whatever you think personally, i don't really care, but by your defensiveness it seems like you're lumping yourself in with a certain group here jim.
1. that would be ridiculous. i never said that. you really should work for a british tabloid.

I never said that you said that. It was a question to which the simple answer would have been "no"; but you just couldn't help yourself.

2 + 3. "we simply don't like their color." who is "we," exactly?"

Not exactly a card carrying member of the Masters of the Obvious Society are you? That would be those who are opposed to illegal (keyword "illegal") immigration.

you're saying that everyone that is against illegal immigration is only against illegal immigration... and that nowhere is it a euphemism for something else?

bullshit. hmmm whattya think the ku klux klam thinks of immigration?

whatever you think personally, i don't really care, but by your defensiveness it seems like you're lumping yourself in with a certain group here jim.

So are you calling me a racist or a closet racist? You seem to believe, and I'm sure you will clear that up for all of us shortly, that anyone who is against illegal (keyword "illegal") immigration is a racist or a closet racist but a racist nonetheless.
Is there a "Press 2 for English" in France? Montreal? Why not? The number of English-only speaking persons in those places is about the same ratio as Spanish-only speaking persons in the U.S.
Yes, actually..there is. Some places even have more than just the two options (I'm speaking of Montreal here)...Spanish being the #3, followed by Cantonese. The same can be said for Interac™ machines all over Canada.

The point being that if you want to sell and increase your client base, you accommodate them in as many ways as possible. Even if that means braille markings on elevators, hiring multilingual staff, translating advertising for niche-casting or simply having a handwritten sign in your convenience store's front window that says "¡Si, hablamos Español...bienvenido!"
Then there are those that scream "Wetback" to anyone that 'might' be of Mexican origin and "Terrorist" to anyone that appears Middle Eastern.
Then there are those that scream "Wetback" to anyone that 'might' be of Mexican origin and "Terrorist" to anyone that appears Middle Eastern.

I don't. Never have. I think some out there are missing the point. What illegal aliens are are pretty simple. They are lawbreakers. I couldn't care less what part of the planet they are from, or why they are in my home. They were not invited. You want to come to my house, then knock on the door. Don't break in through the back window. You may not like the comparison I brought forth, but I also couldn't care less. That is exactly what it amounts to.
I don't. Never have. I think some out there are missing the point.
The point is that there is a difference between illegal immigrants and legal immigrants... but instead of seeing the crime and frowning down upon it, many (and no, I'm not including you, Gato) are seeing the people and imagining the crime.

Most terrorists are Muslim, therefore all Muslims are terrorists.
Most illegal aliens in Southern USA are Mexicans, therefore Mexicans living in Southern USA are illegal immigrants.

It's just another form of stereotyping.
Most illegal aliens in Southern USA are Mexicans, therefore Mexicans living in Southern USA are illegal immigrants.

Speaking of stereotyping....I've been out of the Phoenix/Los Angeles area for quite a while but when I left, South Ameicans had overtaken Mexicans as illegals. Guatelmala & Ecuador especially.

If you didn't get a pass at the front door, you're an illegal immigrant.

Oh, by the way, pressing anything to change the languafe, is simply a way to make our guests, legal & illegal, less likely to assimialte. We are a melting pot, not a tossed salad.