The Answer is Freedom, Baby


Well-Known Member
How is it that in less than 250 years, this group of human beings called Americans has revolutionized everything about life? We've produced the greatest standard of living and shared how to do it with others. We have produced a standard of living unheard of and undreamed of even by people who were alive 100 years ago. We have produced a country where the occupants, the residents have the highest expectations of opportunity, security, wealth, all of these things, education, than any group of human beings has ever had. I really would like for you to take a moment and, when you have a moment, ask yourselves how this can be. And do it honestly. How can it be? And not to besmirch some of these other countries, but just to give you an example. China, Japan, Russia, the satellite countries, Rome, Italy, take your pick, France, all these countries have been around much, much longer than we have. And admittedly, people that founded this country came from Europe. Why were they not able to do where they lived what they did here? You realize our Founding Fathers were Brits. Why were they not able to turn Great Britain or England into the United States when they lived there?

Why did they have to leave these places to come here, the new world, in order to create this? Why couldn't they do it where they lived? As human beings we're no better than any other human beings on the face of the earth. We're not any different whatsoever, in terms of the way we're born. Human beings are human beings. How is it, then, that the United States has become the most powerful, and for good, the richest, the most technologically advanced, the most industrious, the most productive country in history, in human history? A nation that has liberated hundreds of millions of people from oppression, a nation that has -- talking about sharing the wealth -- a nation that has rebuilt Europe after World War II, a nation that turned imperial Japan into a thriving, burgeoning economic power of a democracy. We're a nation that rebuilt Germany after World War II. All the while, continuing our own growth. We are a nation that invented so many of the things that have improved the quality of life for human beings around the world. We are the one nation that can and offers substantive relief efforts to other nations devastated by natural disasters.

How does this happen? When we're no better than anybody else, when we're no different than anybody else, how does this happen? The answer is very simple. Without being too esoteric about it, freedom is the answer. Most of the people around the world have not lived with the great degree of freedom that our country was founded with. And you can read it in the Founding Fathers' ruminations at the days of the founding, talking about the industriousness of individuals and how to promote it for the common good. You can look at the original true story of Thanksgiving and find out how they tried socialism. The whole community produced whatever it produced and everybody got to go take what they want from the production, and some people figured out after awhile they didn't have to produce anything in order to get something. It didn't work, they changed it. Everybody was assigned a plot of land, grow what you want, grow as much as you want, and you keep it, sell your excess. Plymouth colony expanded like crazy.

The answer is freedom. The answer is also that our Founding Fathers recognized that freedom is part of our creation, and so our founding documents recognize that we are all endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, and these are human rights, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. We all have these. Every human is born this way, with that yearning spirit. However, depending on where the human being is born, they never get to exercise it. We and our ancestors had the chance to exercise it, and they did, and they built, and they created, and they invented. And as a result, the greatest country in the history of humanity became the United States of America. And it is that freedom allowing each of us to use our own ambitions, our own desires, our own ingenuity, our own creativity, unshackled, to pursue our passions, to do what we love with as few obstacles in our way as possible, certainly fewer obstacles than any other nation's people have faced in their lives. And we see the result. We see the greatest country in the history of civilization.

Why does this matter? Now we have in this presidential campaign not just Mr. Obama, but an entire political party which resents deeply all that I just described to you. They resent the way this country was founded and built because the way they view things is they see that those who worked hard and invented and were industrious and indulged their ambitions did whatever it was necessary to do. They worked hard, they got up before sunup, they went to bed at sundown, they went to school, whatever it was they had to do to become what they wanted, they did it. And, of course, some didn't. Some didn't have as many ambitions as others. Some didn't have that drive. We're all different. And so, the resulting capitalism here that I've just described produced some people that -- in this country, almost everybody does better than anywhere else around the world. However, when just this country is taken as a subset of humanity, yeah, we have some people that don't do well. And we also have some people who in our past were discriminated against for one reason or another. They were denied, at first, the same opportunities that other citizens had. But this country's dealt with that, and those opportunities, however you want to argue, good or bad, the way we've gone about it, those opportunities are now far more available to far more people than even at the founding, than even 60 years ago.

Great, great progress has been made. However, Barack Obama, the Democrat Party still see this nation not as I've just described it to you. They see it as the greatest failure in the experiment of social justice and economic justice and equality that the human race has ever produced. It's got to change. We have got to stop this. We've got to fix it so that everybody ends up the same. We can't have people doing all that well while some people don't, even though that has resulted not because people have been oppressed, not because they've been stunted, not because they've been squashed, because they didn't have the ambition, they didn't have the desire, but they're living their lives, and they're happy, for the most part. So we have the Democrat Party and Barack Obama who want to take every ingredient that made this the greatest country in the world and even you who are gonna vote for Obama and even you who are buying into this notion that some people have too much and that we need to take from them and give to you, you still expect what? You still expect a grand life. You expect a life of prosperity. You expect greater income; you expect a bigger house; you expect a second car. It's just that you think it's going to come from some politician taking it away from somebody else.

If Obama wins and if the Democrats implement this redistribution, what they are going to do is destroy the engine that creates all of this opportunity, and that engine of opportunity will be replaced by a massive federal government to whom more and more citizens will become dependent on their wants and their needs. When the idea that you achieve gets punished, and when you earn too much -- could be a hundred grand, 150, whatever it is, whatever Obama decides -- when you earn more than that, then your American dream's over. The American dream will stop for you at whatever Obama's magic tax increase number is. And when the American dream ends at $150,000, the American dream is over. Obama wants this. Obama wants a large government passing things out according to what he thinks is fair, and the end result of this is creating as many people dependent on a state government, federal government as possible so you'll continue to have to vote for these people. And what it was that created the greatest collection of human beings in the history of humanity will be altered for who knows how long it will take to reorganize this and roll it back, because it'll fail.

Americans who demand and have all these high expectations will keep demanding them and having them, and when they find out that the Obama game and the Democrat plan doesn't produce it, there will be hell to pay down the road, but the damage done in the meantime will be severe. That's why all this matters. You are still the best resource you have to acquiring what you want in life. Obama is not your best resource. The government's not your best resource. Joe Biden is not your best resource. Oprah is not your best resource. You and your family, you are the best resource that you have. Don't give up the free use of yourself to be the best you can be, just for the sake of some change that is actually going to be far worse than you can imagine.

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Freedom is right baby. Bush attacked and stripped away those freedoms and Obama is the best chance of getting them back.
Freedom is right baby. Bush attacked and stripped away those freedoms and Obama is the best chance of getting them back.

The guy who said that the Constitution needs to be rewritten?

I'd think the one best suited would be the one that left it as is.
You're kidding right? Bush relentlessly attacked the Constitution.

Would you care to back up your statement about this rewriting?
Obama has stated that he believes the Constitution is a fundamentally flawed document and those flaws continue today.

He would be lying if he swears to preserve, protect, and defend it.
How is it that in less than 250 years, this group of human beings called Americans has revolutionized everything about life? We've produced the greatest standard of living and shared how to do it with others.

Highest standard of living

now is that the HDI (Human Development Index) US Rated in 2007 #12
Or the Satisfaction with Life Index US rated #23

We have produced a standard of living unheard of and undreamed of even by people who were alive 100 years ago.

Yes, all first world countries can make this claim.

We have produced a country where the occupants, the residents have the highest expectations of opportunity, security, wealth, all of these things, education, than any group of human beings has ever had.

Well, 23rd on the list acutally.

I really would like for you to take a moment and, when you have a moment, ask yourselves how this can be. And do it honestly. How can it be? And not to besmirch some of these other countries, but just to give you an example. China, Japan, Russia, the satellite countries, Rome, Italy, take your pick, France, all these countries have been around much, much longer than we have.

Communist China is younger than the US
Post-Tsar Russia is younger than the US
Japan is older, true
Rome, not a country
Italy is pretty old.
France as a non-monarchy is younger than the US

oh unless you are talking geological age, then they are all just as old a couple of billion, or 6,000 depends on who you talk to.

And admittedly, people that founded this country came from Europe. Why were they not able to do where they lived what they did here?

Well, not without the Native Americans to feed them, and not without the help of the Chinese to build railroads.

You realize our Founding Fathers were Brits. Why were they not able to turn Great Britain or England into the United States when they lived there? Why did they have to leave these places to come here, the new world, in order to create this? Why couldn't they do it where they lived? As human beings we're no better than any other human beings on the face of the earth. We're not any different whatsoever, in terms of the way we're born. Human beings are human beings. How is it, then, that the United States has become the most powerful, and for good, the richest, the most technologically advanced, the most industrious, the most productive country in history, in human history?

GDP 6th per capita

A nation that has liberated hundreds of millions of people from oppression, a nation that has -- talking about sharing the wealth -- a nation that has rebuilt Europe after World War II, a nation that turned imperial Japan into a thriving, burgeoning economic power of a democracy. We're a nation that rebuilt Germany after World War II. All the while, continuing our own growth.

WWII? Do we need to go there again. You came in late. You nuked Japan.

We are a nation that invented so many of the things that have improved the quality of life for human beings around the world. We are the one nation that can and offers substantive relief efforts to other nations devastated by natural disasters.


Radio - Italian
E=Mc2 - german
Phtography - french


American Inventor where and are important, but to put them on a pedistal above any other country is ignorant.

How does this happen? When we're no better than anybody else, when we're no different than anybody else, how does this happen? The answer is very simple. Without being too esoteric about it, freedom is the answer.

On the Democracy Index the US only ranks 17th

On freedom of press, reporters without borders give it a lower score than some other countries.

Most of the people around the world have not lived with the great degree of freedom that our country was founded with. And you can read it in the Founding Fathers' ruminations at the days of the founding, talking about the industriousness of individuals and how to promote it for the common good. You can look at the original true story of Thanksgiving and find out how they tried socialism. The whole community produced whatever it produced and everybody got to go take what they want from the production, and some people figured out after awhile they didn't have to produce anything in order to get something. It didn't work, they changed it. Everybody was assigned a plot of land, grow what you want, grow as much as you want, and you keep it, sell your excess. Plymouth colony expanded like crazy.

The US was founded of the idea of freedom? Tell that to the slaves, to the native americans, etc.

It was founded by a religious group that beleived in their own freedom, and only thier freedom.

The answer is freedom. The answer is also that our Founding Fathers recognized that freedom is part of our creation, and so our founding documents recognize that we are all endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, and these are human rights, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.

oops I guess there is then no freedom of religion.

We all have these. Every human is born this way, with that yearning spirit. However, depending on where the human being is born, they never get to exercise it.

Except those that do...

We and our ancestors had the chance to exercise it, and they did, and they built, and they created, and they invented. And as a result, the greatest country in the history of humanity became the United States of America.

A yes, the american utopia. Let us forget all the other great countries.
freedom is wonderful.

yay for freedom.

freedom to not bother thinking for ourselves.

go team!



kill them lousy a-rabs and shit!

Oh and the answer wasn't freedom, it was co-operation.

The people who sailed to plymouth rock got together to get away from persicution. They bonded with their neibours to first survive winter. 13 colonies bonded together to get out of the british empire, and lead their own lives.

People worked together to get out of the great depression, they got togehter to make the country great.

and all modern politics is doing is tearing the country in 2. Your country is not together, it is weak. Half don't like the war, the other half are yelling support are troops, these 2 things are no opposites, you can at once be against the war, and still support our troops.

You are divided. Your politians have divided you for their own gain.


Everyone wants the same GREATER things, to be healthy and happy. why argue all the time about BS.
But, but parroting the bullshit rhetoric is so much more satisfying than thinking!

That's what they teach us in church and in skool.
I was wondering who the idiot with his facts all screwed up was....then I noticed the link goes to Limbaugh. :D
You're kidding right? Warrantless searches, indefinitely detaining US citizens without trial, Patriot Act, the new bill that allows him to declare martial law, torture, etc.

Where the hell have you been?
You're kidding right? Warrantless searches, indefinitely detaining US citizens without trial, Patriot Act, the new bill that allows him to declare martial law, torture, etc.

Where the hell have you been?

All done with or by the consent of Congress. Which US citizen was illegally detained without trial?
That's simply not true. Even if it was does that somehow justify his attacks on the Constitution?

Because they followed the Constitutional procedures. No attack was made. It's commonplace for limitations to be placed during a time of war. US citizens were not denied habeas corpus.

We had this discussion. Remember you bailed on the thread?

Most likely because you had no argument & I'll not argue pointless trivialities, over & over & over again.
Because they followed the Constitutional procedures. No attack was made.

He did not in fact follow Constitutional procedures. He bypassed the Constitution.

"WASHINGTON -- Government records show that the administration was encountering unprecedented second-guessing by the secret federal surveillance court when President Bush decided to bypass the panel and order surveillance of U.S.-based terror suspects without the court's approval.

A review of Justice Department reports to Congress shows that the 26-year-old Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court modified more wiretap requests from the Bush administration than from the four previous presidential administrations combined.

The court's repeated intervention in Bush administration wiretap requests may explain why the president decided to bypass the court nearly four years ago to launch secret National Security Agency spying on hundreds and possibly thousands of Americans and foreigners inside the United States, according to James Bamford, an acknowledged authority on the supersecret NSA, which intercepts telephone calls, e-mails, faxes and Internet communications."

It's commonplace for limitations to be placed during a time of war. US citizens were not denied habeas corpus.

And there you go making excuses for his attacks on the Constitution yet again. Admit it, you don't give a rats ass about the document unless it's convenient.

Most likely because you had no argument & I'll not argue pointless trivialities, over & over & over again.

Nope, it's because as usual when you are proven wrong and boxed in you simply bail on a thread. You're not fooling anyone here Gonz.

Because of Bush, it is now LEGAL to hold US citizens indefinitely without trial. It's already happened, goes against the Constitution, and YOU supported it.

Now we can all watch while you bail on this thread.