[2] Bloomberg calculates the total amount the taxpayer is on the hook for is $7.76 trillion, or $24,000 for every man woman and child in the country. ([3] Data breakdown is here)
Trickle-down..think of all those people earning massive tips handing out hors oeuvres for those parties, the bar-men and waitresses..nto to mention the ho's.I really don't see how this bailout is helping anything/anybody except the rich people that take it and have a party.
Trickle-down..think of all those people earning massive tips handing out hors oeuvres for those parties, the bar-men and waitresses..nto to mention the ho's.
Eventually the doc treatin' gonorrhea (speaking of trickle=down) on the sly will make money. Then the luxury car dealerships...voila! You've solved GM's problem too!
twas a joke, Gonz...chill!Nice try at demonizing capitalism. It works when real money gets made, not when tax dollars are redistributed.
Nice try at demonizing capitalism. It works when real money gets made, not when tax dollars are redistributed.
I may be dumb but what if the US gov't just made a shit load of money, would that help at all.
Its called runaway inflation. Read up on the Wiemar Republic.
That was strictly a PR move. They flew private jets last time and that was a public relations nightmare.
"Look how frugal we're being this time."
"Now shut up and give us the fucking money!"
The "private" jet harangue was just an excuse to have a bitchfest about the eeeeeeeeevil car company executives. The jets belong to the corporation, not the executives. I wonder how many times the corporations have lent those jets to lifeflight flights and organ transplant transport. Corporations do that all the time. They just don't brag about it.
The "private" jet harangue was just an excuse to have a bitchfest about the eeeeeeeeevil car company executives. The jets belong to the corporation, not the executives. I wonder how many times the corporations have lent those jets to lifeflight flights and organ transplant transport. Corporations do that all the time. They just don't brag about it.
It's amazing to me that anyone at all could look at the last 25 years and think that "trickle-down" might have worked. It's like saying that communism might have worked.Only if there hadn't been human beings involved in it.