The basis for Liberalism is DEATH!


Well-Known Member
Is to get you to question what is right and what is wrong and then let them tell you...

"what is right and what is wrong"

At that point you no longer have to rely on reality
you can make it up as you go along.

As an objectivist atheist I see this as being in direct opposition to your survival.

Reality exists, A is A, this is tantamount to your survival.

Frame your thoughts in this fashion when passing judgment on the popular liberal
crusades of the day.
as a liberal, my basis is not this but instead a progressive way of thinking. and yes I do believe in the grey area
Ha Ha HA! I love ya man!
You are fricken great!!!

A real Demorat voter if there was ever one.

Yup the gray area between death and life Hee Hee Hee
Oh man that’s a side splitter!

Easily reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

"In any compromise between good and evil,
it is only evil that can profit."
Or this one:
The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum.
whenever evil wins, it is only by default:
by the moral failure of those who evade
the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles.
I’ll be willing to accept a little poison in my daily meal
a compromise with evil but tell me what advantage does
such a thing afford me?!?
Actually, winky, the definition is as follows.

Conservative : "Why should I do this. Give me a reason to do it"
Liberal : "Why shouldn't I do this. Give me a reason not to."

The problem being that (in accordance with the US ideal of everyone having the right to everything) telling someone not to do something is inpinging on his rights.
Hmm Prof Hmm

Take that line of reasoning further if you will please.

yer onto sumthin' thar..
Conservative : "Why should I do this. Give me a reason to do it"
Liberal : "Why shouldn't I do this. Give me a reason not to."


Conservative: I will only do this, no matter what you may say, do or try to prove to me.
Liberal: I did this yesterday. I'm doing this now. Should I still be doing this tomorrow? Why?
MrBishop said:
Conservative : "Why should I do this. Give me a reason to do it"
Liberal : "Why shouldn't I do this. Give me a reason not to."


Conservative: I will only do this, no matter what you may say, do or try to prove to me.
Liberal: I did this yesterday. I'm doing this now. Should I still be doing this tomorrow? Why?


Conservative: If you keep running toward that cliff, you're going to fall to your death.

Liberal: If you keep running to that cliff, eventually you will fly.

Winky said:
Ha Ha HA! I love ya man!
You are fricken great!!!

A real Demorat voter if there was ever one.

Yup the gray area between death and life Hee Hee Hee
Oh man that’s a side splitter!

Easily reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

"In any compromise between good and evil,
it is only evil that can profit."

Do me a favour. Please dont tell me you love me. Its perterbing when a guy says it to me.

actually I am more of a left libertarian. I tend not to like the democrats but will vote for the less of 2 evils.

and the grey area I meant was between good and evil.
MrBishop said:
Conservative : "Why should I do this. Give me a reason to do it"
Liberal : "Why shouldn't I do this. Give me a reason not to."


Conservative: I will only do this, no matter what you may say, do or try to prove to me.
Liberal: I did this yesterday. I'm doing this now. Should I still be doing this tomorrow? Why?

And once again, bish, you prove yourself.
Well said Prof

and Freakaziod

what I meant is that I love it when you lefties reveal yourselves similar to the exchange between Prof and Bish above.

Hence your comment:
"and the grey area I meant was between good and evil."

You libby doods are a riot.
Nearly as funny as Kerry vehemently denying he was a Liberal in the Presidential debates.

Oh my Oh Me how can we ever resolve the dichotomy,


"and the grey area I meant was between good and evil."

as opposed too:

"In any compromise between good and evil,
it is only evil that can profit."
the reason I say tehre is a grey area is because not everyone who does something evil sees themselves as evil. plus it is on who you ask.
"the reason I say tehre is a grey area is because not everyone who does something evil sees themselves as evil."

God dood you are a real pill!

Saddam didn't see himself as Evil
his actions were not Evil
Um like Dood I don't 'get it'...
simple. he did evil actions. But he did them probably because he thought they may have been for the best. Or Bush if you want. he sent the bombs over which killed people. But he did it because he thought it was for the best. So now is he still evil because he took the lives or is he good because he wanted to do something he thought might be the right decision
depends on what his motives were. I thnk if anything it was more stupid since it has been said he was pissed about Pantera breaking up. so he goes and kills the former guitarist.
Professur said:
And once again, bish, you prove yourself.

Conservative: I will only do this, no matter what you may say, do or try to prove to me.
Liberal: I did this yesterday. I'm doing this now. Should I still be doing this tomorrow? Why?

Ok...let's try again
Cons: My opinion is the only one on the face of the earth that matters. I will see no other side of any argument, never admit I was ever wrong...and damn it! God loves I must be right!

Libs- I'm human, humans make mistakes, I'm willing to accept this, take responsibility for it, and change it so it never happens again.