The best writeup on Wal-Mart I have ever read

Walmart can do one thing to help the more local products. SO long as they insist on buying the majority share of products on their shelves from China, India, and other 'non-American' or 'non-local' sources, they aren't doing sfa to help the economy. They're helping their bottom line and a few select employees that work for them.
Well I know of two people who work there and things have improved, but it just goes to show the company is all about maximum profit first and customers second and employees last. The thing about Walmart that most bothers me personally, (and I am not one to boycott any store, I shop for value no matter where I find it) is that they have a tendency to come in, squeeze out the competition and then drive prices up when there is nobody to compete. Target supposedly is taking a page out of their playbook these days.
it just goes to show the company is all about maximum profit first and customers second and employees last.

Good. Without sufficient profits and with excessive benefits for their employees, they'd be GM.

The whole point of business is profits. What do you think pays for bigger, better, faster? What do you thinks pays for raises, 401(k) matches, insurance, company picnics, coffee, electricity, water, etc?

Since those lawsuits we are strictly prohibited from doing anything which could be construed as working off the clock. We cannot have an open door conversation with our managers unless we are clocked in. We cannot even make or receive a phone call at home to or from the store without the manager doing a time adjustment to give us time credit for that time spent on the phone.

If we are made to work off the clock the person doing so may be fired. If we work off the clock without doing a time adjustment to reflect that time worked we can be fired.

If I am at lunch and a customer or associate asks me for assistance I must assist that customer or associate. I have to keep track of the time I spend at that task and I am then required to go to personnel and log into the computer system and adjust my time to reflect time worked so I can be paid for that work. If I fail to do so I can be admonished up to and including termination.

They are very strict about this rule.
Here's someone describing their life experience working at Wal-Mart...

By the way, you didn't identify the author of the piece you posted which is Kenneth J. Harvey. He just happens to be a writer of fiction.

Kenneth J. Harvey

International bestselling author Kenneth J. Harvey's books are published in Canada, the US, the UK, Russia, Germany, China, Japan, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark and France. He has won the Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize, the Thomas Raddall Atlantic Fiction Award, the Winterset Award, Italy's Libro Del Mare, and has been nominated for the Giller Prize, the Books in Canada First Novel Award, the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, and the Commonwealth Writers Prize. His editorials have appeared on CBC Radio, in The Times (London) and in most major Canadian newspapers, including The Globe & Mail, National Post, Ottawa Citizen, Telegraph Journal, Vancouver Sun, Toronto Star and Halifax Daily News.

View my complete profile

So if he took up writing as a vocation after Wal-Mart fired him he should be praising Wal-Mart for giving him the incentive to stop working for someone else and to start working for himself. It sounds to me like his being fired was the best thing that ever happened to him -- if he ever worked there at all.
We cannot have an open door conversation with our managers unless we are clocked in. We cannot even make or receive a phone call at home to or from the store without the manager doing a time adjustment to give us time credit for that time spent on the phone.

If I am at lunch and a customer or associate asks me for assistance I must assist that customer or associate. I have to keep track of the time I spend at that task and I am then required to go to personnel and log into the computer system and adjust my time to reflect time worked so I can be paid for that work.

As it should be. Earn what you get & get what you earn.
By the way, you didn't identify the author of the piece you posted which is Kenneth J. Harvey. He just happens to be a writer of fiction.

What a coincidence. Your author is a writer of fiction too. I wonder if he ever worked there at all. ;)

So if he took up writing as a vocation after Wal-Mart fired him he should be praising Wal-Mart for giving him the incentive to stop working for someone else and to start working for himself.

Nah, he should still be outing Wal-Mart for the things they do.
Nah, he should still be outing Wal-Mart for the things they do.

Allowing the lower income folks the ability to get some of the toys their richer kin get without going into bankruptcy? Folks already kmow that.
Walmart is not the great evil, but it isn't the great saint it pretends to be either. It's a company where it's executives and management are pressured every day to cut costs at any expense, even human expenses.

If you don't like Walmart, protest with your money... don't shop there.

There are those, however, that can not afford to shop anywhere else. They will continue to shop at Walmart, because it does have very low prices.
Well the rumor has it that due to Walmart's success and Target's lack thereof, the prices at Target are soon very likely to be much more competitive.

I have nothing against Walmart when they treat their people fairly. I like to buy certain items there but some stuff you just can't get there. I think their policy about music is about stupid. I am always amazed at some of the artists they sell in there considering the policy.
Allowing the lower income folks the ability to get some of the toys their richer kin get without going into bankruptcy? Folks already kmow that.

Or maybe the things in his article would be a more logical place to look for the outing.