The big two oh is approaching...


*sigh*, the big two oh is coming, which means I will no longer have a one in my age... So what did you do on your 20th birthday? Party? Sleep? Get into trouble? Thanksgiving is the 28th, 3 days after my birthday. Need some recommendations... :D
20th birthday....20 kisses.... both given and received... that seems like a goal....

Yeah I'm dreaming again.... but dreaming is cool eh?
All of my friends were 6 months to 18 months older than I. I'm sure I wasn't hurting for brewskies. I just had to beg and whine a little.
Scanty said:
I hate birthdays. I do nothing on mine.
Yes that pretty much sums me up, but 20... :D I need to do something. Maybe not party, but I need to do something... :D :p
I remember what I was doing when I turned 20. I was working at the Oberlin College Computing Center as a summer job.

That was back in the day, folks...HDD's the size of serving platters..and thrice as heavy. One inch tape. Mainframe computers so loud, you had to wear ear-plugs...and so large they took up an entire 30 X 30 foot room...Line printers the size of a VW Vanagon...
I just go down to my moms side of the family anymore. Its a spontaneous family reunion of sorts since 4 of us have a bday in the last week of May. If we can get 13 of the 20 to show.. it was a good year.
Man, I forget my 20th. It's my 21st that stands out (and there's that one again, LL. Just another year).
HomeLAN said:
Here, it's legal age both for drinking and handgun ownership (and there's a mix).
Oh that is nice. Very nice. However, hm, drinking is 19 in Ontario, and I don't drink anyways. Second, the commies here don't like guns so I can't carry them on me. Not going to be a great deal for me. :crying3:
for my 21st birthday i went to cici's pizza. nothing like a $2.99 all you can eat crappy pizza buffet on your birthday.
HomeLAN said:
Man, I forget my 20th. It's my 21st that stands out (and there's that one again, LL. Just another year).

Ditto. Did the traditional bar hopping. Our first stop was a bar I had been going to for two years and I told my favorite bartender Gary that it was my birthday... He asked me how old I was... I told him 21 and he didn't believe me until I showed him my license. He gave me my birthday kiss and then smacked my wrist :laugh:

Come to think of it, I had my best friend Bobbi with me that night. She celebrated all the milestone birthdays with me... my 19th, my 21st, my 25th and my 30th birtdays. It's nice to celebrate with friends who stand the test of time. :)