The Budget

The Washington establishment at the time argued that this inflation was now endemic to the American economy, and could not be stopped, at least not without a calamitous economic collapse.

WHEW!!! What would we have done without guys who knew what they were talking about? Obama ought to hire those guys to tell us that a $750,000,000,000
bailout followed by a trillion dollar bailout & excessive spending is needed to stimulate the economy.

Oh, wait, he did,
it is the federal funds rate
it has been kept artificially low
when it begins to skyrocket later
this summer inflation will as well

all hell will break loose

it's a replay of the Carter years
only ten times worse

yer old enough to recall those times?
Oh not so long ago

December of 08 in fact

the same tank of gas costs fifty freakin' dollars today

So you don't already know the answer then. thanks

yeah, well i'm not as comfortable with dumbshit opinions and blind adherence to scripture as some of you. so take your limpwrist jesus, objectivism, family values, and whatever other brain-stunting dogmatic shit you got, and blow 'em out an elephant's butt.

I clearly remember the carter years. Artificially keeping the interest rates down was exactly where the inflation came from.

A series of bubble's is not an economy. Let go Luke, use the market forces.