The cost of war.

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I wrote it that way because most that aren't in a hurry to put down our leaders/country/service personel aren't in a hurry to see flag draped coffins either.
I gotta disagree with that sentiment Gonz. I guess it just boils down to a different custom. We celebrate and thank the heroes that come home on their arrival. You all do it a little different I guess.

and now for a little comic relief, in relation to K62's warship post, I came across this again and got a giggle :D

Good bye papa please pray for me
My helicopter's crashing in the sea.
I honestly don't mean to poke
But my future is in doubt
My co-pilot just fell out

Good bye papa it's hard to fly
When my air frame's cracking in the sky
For every hour in the air
It takes some thirty to repair
We fly these things on a dare

We had joy we had fun
We had sea kings in the sun
But the engines are on fire
And the sea kings must retire

Good bye Chretien my stingy one
You could have bought the E-age warner ones
Instead you blew five hundred mil
Just to cancel out the bill
Now I need an airsick pill.

We had joy we had fun
We had sea kings in the sun
We'll be lucky if we reach
A crash landing on the beach.
If one stops to really think about it
what does Canada need a military for anyway?
Like the UK fighting the Falklands war! Sheesh!
If The USA promises to come to Canada's
defense in the event of an Eskimo invasion you guys
could spend the $9,801.7 million USD on
your favorite welfare programs.
After all the only time you’ll get inna real fight
is if you come along on one of our wars anyway…
Winky said:
If one stops to really think about it
what does Canada need a military for anyway?
Like the UK fighting the Falklands war! Sheesh!
If The USA promises to come to Canada's
defense in the event of an Eskimo invasion you guys
could spend the $9,801.7 million USD on
your favorite welfare programs.
After all the only time you’ll get inna real fight
is if you come along on one of our wars anyway…

We need a military to defend our freedom and to keep the peace.
I agree that Canada's military isn't on the best grounds right now, and yes it could be much better, but I must remind you that Canada does only have a population of 32,000,000 people. It will never be a huge force with a relatively small population.
Over the years, more than 125,000 Canadian military personnel have served on peacekeeping missions for the United Nations – more than any other country.

Now I find that something to be proud of.
Leslie said:
I gotta disagree with that sentiment Gonz. I guess it just boils down to a different custom. We celebrate and thank the heroes that come home on their arrival. You all do it a little different I guess.

Well said Les, I think you have it right on.

Now on a less serious note, what is this that you are saying about sea kings?
I have never heard of one ever crashi.... oops



Another thing, at least we can laugh at our selves too, eh? ;)
K62 said:
more than 125,000 Canadian military personnel have served on peacekeeping missions for the United Nations

You're proud that your troops working for somebody else instead of your country? A group that allows madmmen like Hussein & Pappa Doc to stay in power & ignores murder & mayhem like we've been seeing in several African countries as of late?
Now Goznog be nice.

He's a Canadian Serviceman and has a right to
serve his country regardless under which flag
he fights lol
Gonz said:
You're proud that your troops working for somebody else instead of your country?

I am proud of our troops that serve keeping the peace under the UN.
I am proud of out troops that serve under the Canadian flag.

Are you proud of your country for stepping over the UN to invade a country when UN weapon inspectors who have done many many inspection missions are telling you that they have no WMD? Sure you are, I know your type. They USA can do no wrong. :rolleyes:
K62 said:
Are you proud of your country for stepping over the UN to invade a country when UN weapon inspectors who have done many many inspection missions are telling you that they have no WMD? Sure you are, I know your type. They USA can do no wrong. :rolleyes:

Since when did they say there were no WMD's? All they ever said was that they needed to do more inspections, which Saddam Hussein blocked. They said that they needed access, which Saddam Hussein forbade. They also said we need more sanctions, which Saddam Hussein ignored. In short, the inspectors never finished the job until after the invasion. Then, all of a sudden, they come out with reports that there were no weapons. Another tidbit for ya....up until the days before the war started, everybody knew that Saddam Hussein had WMD's. That didn't change until we decided to press on, and kick him to the curb. Some folks call that politics...I call it duplicity. If somebody knew he had no such weapons, then why didn't they say so? Ulterior motives, maybe, or just trying to make the Western powers look bad?
K62 said:
Are you proud of your country for stepping over the UN to invade a country when UN weapon inspectors who have done many many inspection missions are telling you that they have no WMD?

Yes, I am. Why? Look thru two years worth of threads & posts, I'm tired of typing it over & over again.

Why did the UN Security Council unanimously vote for UN Resolution 1441 authorizing force if saddam didn't allow inspectors unfettered access?

1441 said:
Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions, in particular its resolutions 661 (1990) of 6 August 1990, 678 (1990) of 29 November 1990, 686 (1991) of 2 March 1991, 687 (1991) of 3 April 1991, 688 (1991) of 5 April 1991, 707 (1991) of 15 August 1991, 715 (1991) of 11 October 1991, 986 (1995) of 14 April 1995, and 1284 (1999) of 17 December 1999, and all the relevant statements of its President,

Recalling also its resolution 1382 (2001) of 29 November 2001 and its intention to implement it fully,

Recognizing the threat Iraq’s non-compliance with Council resolutions and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles poses to international peace and security,

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