The Dell dude: love \´em or hate \´em?

Sick of the Dell dude?

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The Dell dude: love \'em or hate \'em?

Are you sick of the Dell dude on tv? Yes or no?
YES!! And was I sick of him the second time I saw him? YES!! Drop it already, Dell!!!!!! :D

i feel much better now! :D
Sorry to hear that, sony. My thoughts are with you.

Gotta love that Dell dude, he's just so enthusiastic about Dell computers, and he is greatly pleased whenever someone's gettin' a Dell! :D

I'd so like to knock that guy's teeth so far down his throat he'd truly be speaking out of his ass for the rest of his life! :headbang:
he's irritating as hell but, just like the stupid Hey Culligan Man, he's effective
I hate the fucker so much.... we are goign to make a video where evil druids kill him so be sure to pay attention for that one to come out.... heh
Guess we don't have this problem down under. But if he was here I would hate him too!!!!! :headbang:
I read an article where the 26 y/o actor who plays that part was whining that he was being typecast. ...huh? Do you want to go back to starving instead of being a 3rd rate celebrity?
Originally posted by unclehobart
I read an article where the 26 y/o actor who plays that part was whining that he was being typecast.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :rolleyes:
I don't see him all that much anymore-I thought it was cute the first three times I saw him.

And dude... My company *only* buys Dell. :(
You hit the nail right on the head. At least he's an actor at all. A lot of us don't get that privilege. So quicherbitchin', keep acting like the stereotype teen that Dell keeps making you act like, and you'll keep getting money for it. It may be dirty but it gets food down your throat.
hmm.. must admit, I never really gave the Dell Dude a second thought ..maybe that's cause I'm a Mac girl :D

but I'll tell you what commercial I really hate .. the stoopid dancing chickens for the chicken whopper at Burger King :mad:
I still want to slay the little bastard. One comercial was enough two was too much.... however the stupid thing is that is has helped dell's sales. Another testimony to the stupidy of america
Re: The Dell dude: love \´em or hate \´em?

Is he still unemployed due to his marajuana use? :D
Re: The Dell dude: love \´em or hate \´em?

No, I think Bubba two cells down is employing him.