The difference between left & right


molṑn labé
Staff member
He was asked when he's gonna tell the American people to wear a sweater (can you say Jiminy Carter?)

President GW Bush said:
"They're smart enough to figure out whether they're going to drive less or not. I mean, you know, it's interesting what the price of gasoline has done, is it caused people to drive less. That's why they want smaller cars: They want to conserve. But the consumer's plenty bright. The marketplace works.

You noticed my statement yesterday, I talked about good conservation and — you know, people can figure out whether they need to drive more or less. They can balance their own checkbooks.

It's a little presumptuous on my part to dictate how consumers live their own lives. I've got faith in the American people."

The average person doesn't want to conserve anything except their money...they just can't afford NOT to buy smaller cars or drive less. Given the opportunity, the average consumer wants a larger, faster car, SUV or 4x4. :shrug:
I am car less, always have been, public transport works, but I think it is time to get into a vehicle already.

I want something that is cheap to run. VW deisel or something.

If I could afford 2 cars second one would be a smart car, cheap on gas, FUN to drive (my boss has one, the thing moves!)
I'd pickup a Ford C Max, like the one I used in France/Spain recently.

Diesel, standard shift, roomy and VERY efficient on fuel.
Went two weeks from Bordeaux to Spain and driving like mad in Spain on one tank!

Two cars? My second "car" would only have 2 wheels :)

It's a little presumptuous on my part to dictate how consumers live their own lives.
Conservative say they won't and do it anyway. Liberals ... oh wait!

MrBishop looks over the Cupie Doll and takes the cigar instead
If I could afford 2 cars second one would be a smart car, cheap on gas, FUN to drive (my boss has one, the thing moves!)

I've been seeing those around more and more. They look like fun and easy to park in the city. :thumbup:

MrBishop said:
My second "car" would only have 2 wheels

I've considered getting a motorcycle again lately. Been seeing some news on fast quiet electric models being developed that look pretty sweet too.
It's horribly expensive to register, insure and drive one up here :(

Between that and the minimalist 3.5 months where you can drive the damn thing, my 'wheels' will be a dream for a while to come.
Not as much fun as some of the more modern prizes at the last fair that I went to (Spain)

*No - this is NOT photoshopped. Yes, I did take that picture
I used it as a general "give that man a prize " for realizing that both Parties aren't dissimilar .

I'm not certain that was the point being made but you are certainly correct sir.

Some times it's a "kewpie" doll. Personally, I think I'd prefer the full-size, inflatable alternative, but that's just me. Does it include "realistic, vibrating action?"