the don't you hate it when thread

Dont'cha just hate it when yer just drifting off to sleep and yer pet cat/dog sticks a cold wet nose in yer ear/eye/other sensitive area? :eh:
Dont'cha just hate it when yer just drifting off to sleep and yer pet cat/dog sticks a cold wet nose in yer ear/eye/other sensitive area and you reach over to fling the offending animal across the room but they dig their claws into you arm causing mild to moderate haemorrhaging and necessitating a changing of the bed sheets?
Don't you hate it when you get a BSOD just when you were about to hit ctrl+s in Photoshop? Fucking Xpee.
(Expect something in CA&D soon)
dont you hate it when you finally make it through a tough level in a game and forget to save it before going to the next level, then get killed and have to start over.
Don't you just hate it when you have to write a paper that was due two days ago, and can't find a shred of concentration because your retched kid is going ballistic behind yor back...
Spot said:
dont you hate it when you finally make it through a tough level in a game and forget to save it before going to the next level, then get killed and have to start over.
Or someone uses Quicksave and over-writes your hard work :crying4:
dont you hate it when your team has to go to the last 4 seconds of the game to win it all.
yeah, but a blow out would be nice once in long as it was the local team doing the blowing out....
tommyj27 said:
doncha hate having to wake up in the morning?
**10 hours later**
Yeah. :gmorning:
Don't you have it when you have to get off the computer because you know otherwise your studies(or job) will suffer?
yeah, but a blow out would be nice once in long as it was the local team doing the blowing out...
A blow job would be nice every once in a while too... As long as it isn't your local team doing the blow job! :lol2:
don't you hate it when you get a song from a sesame street video stuck in your head?
*wanders off singin' "i gotta new way to walk....i gotta new way to walk and my new way suits me fine"...
Don't you have it when you have to get off the computer because you know otherwise your studies(or job) will suffer?
I hate it even more when I have to stay on the computer for the sake of my studies, trying my best not to be tempted to do other stuff..
Don't you hate it when your looking for thread you wanted to reply to and cannot remember which thread it was in!!! And then you completely forgot what you wanted to say..

And don't ya hate it when your tired fall asleep and wake up and can't fall back asleep-stairing at the clock-ughhhh-fall asleep, work in a couple of hours....
Don't you just hate it when you are supposed to have a room to yourself and suddenly it is filled with students who have no business here yet com swarming in just because there are computers here, and you don't have the guts to say: "Yo! This room is reserverd, so find another one!"?
