the dumb things kids do


Staff member
and the parents who aren't paying close enough attention :tardbang:

today my 7 yr. old son's bike 'broke' *dunno, haven't looked at it yet* and he has a bunch of fits, then nicely asks if he can go outside and play...the next thing I know, there's a woman at the door with him saying he'd just ran into a car going about 70km/h on his bike. He seems ok, I rush to the scene to see if there's damage and apologize to the driver as I know that must be traumatizing...

it turns out he'd taken his brother's new bike HELMETLESS, and ridden off on it...he was riding down a hill towards a busy road before he realized there were no brakes in the pedals, and didn't know about the handbrakes, and he lost it, drove smack into a car. :eek:

thank god all was well...but jaysus! that was a lesson for all of us! :eek5:
He got the shock of his life, the lecture from a big tall 'scary' policeman, and grounded from his bike for 2 days...that's lots, I think he's learnt :D

but if he does it again...:eek6:
In California, crap like that is used against parents in custody fights. Sad--and bullshit--but true.
good to hear he's ok!

and what's that with the helmets? we never had to wear helmets over here...damn those who would ever make me. if there's one thing i hate, it's wearing a helmet when being busy and all :eek:

oh and...uhm...7 yr and he doesn't know hand brakes?! tsk tsk...;) maybe riding a bike isn't that common over there as it is over here, dunno :)
Shadow: It is the law for any under 18. They HAVE to wear a helmet when biking. Also, lots of bike up and sometimes even bigger than a 7 y/o would use ONLY have pedal brakes...
yeah, Shadow, like I told ALL my you know what happens to a head hitting the curb? shattered and cracked open, just like an egg :p They all are supposed to wear helmets, and I would make them law or's just common sense. :shrug:
and yeah, justin, that's the ones...

he was pedalling back and it wasn't working, he freaked out and lost it.
hehe, i nearly cracked my head open once when i was small cause i DID'NT know about such brakes, bike made a good wheelie though :laugh:
lol...les, you've even got me scared now ;)

point is i hate it when it's hot to wear a helmet....ah well, own responsibility...and yes, it's good that kids wear them :)
one time i wished i had a helmet...was riding off l'Alpe D'Huez in France, 13 km 12% down, 21 180 deg turns...when at 75 km/h my front brake lost it and snapped...:eek:
that's not much fun, couldn't brake, was forced to pass a truck, riding with half of my speed...almost lost it over there over the edge...but DAMN, what a rush lol :D freaky but cool :D
I have yet to find a bike seat that doesn't make my ass hurt in the first 10 minutes.

Les, I'm glad he's ok, wow that must have been horrible, for everyone! I think you're right though, he learned something. Well, he learned, at least, how to apply hand brakes. :D
I found a great way to convince kids to wear helmets. But a cheap sacraficial helmet. Fill a water balloon and fit it inside. Fill a second balloon too. Then take all of that, and all the kids out to the corner.

Take the bare balloon and smash it onto the edge of the curb. Give them a minute to take in the effect. (If you really want their attention, fill it with ketchup and macaroni) Then take the second balloon (with the helmet) and do the same. (It would be bad if this one broke, so throw carefully) When the second one is safe, your point is made.
Glad it turned out ok Leslie. I have a friend who's son was killed when he went down a hill on a skateboard and couldn't stop...went right into traffic on a main road :(
alex said:
Glad it turned out ok Leslie. I have a friend who's son was killed when he went down a hill on a skateboard and couldn't stop...went right into traffic on a main road :(

And there but for the grace of God...
Yep, that boy definitely got off lucky. Did he do any damage to the car? I think I'd still whack the kid every time I walked by him just to make sure he don't forget for the next year or so.