The election just got interesting


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A veterans group seeking to deeply discredit Democrat John Kerry's military service will charge in the new bombshell book UNFIT FOR COMMAND:

Two of John Kerry's three Purple Heart decorations resulted from self-inflicted wounds, not suffered under enemy fire.

All three of Kerry's Purple Hearts were for minor injuries, not requiring a single hour of hospitalization.

A "fanny wound" was the highlight of Kerry's much touted "no man left behind" Bronze Star.

Kerry turned the tragic death of a father and small child in a Vietnamese fishing boat into an act of "heroism" by filing a false report on the incident.

Kerry entered an abandoned Vietnamese village and slaughtered the domestic animals owned by the civilians and burned down their homes with his Zippo lighter.

Kerry's reckless behavior convinced his colleagues that he had to go -- becoming the only Swift Boat veteran to serve only four months.

The Kerry campaign is planning to vigorously counter the charges and will accuse the veteran's groups of being well-financed by a top Bush donor from Texas, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"They hired a goddamn private investigator to dig up trash!" charged a top Kerry adviser traveling with the senator late Tuesday. "This is pay for play, and the dirtiest of all dirty tricks ever played on a candidate for the presidency. How low can they go?"

Kerry supporters are comparing the effort by the veterans to the Arkansas State troopers tell-all against Bill Clinton.

UNFIT FOR COMMAND will not be released until August 15.

The names. The details. All on the record.

Some Vietnam vets come out against Kerry

Scripps Howard News Service

WASHINGTON -- Some of John Kerry's Vietnam War compatriots are questioning the circumstances of how Kerry was awarded one of the three Purple Hearts he received in 1968.

The Kerry campaign responded it has been 35 years since the medals were awarded and no one raised the issue before Kerry got involved in the race for the White House.

Grant Hibbard, a U.S. Navy lieutenant commander and Kerry's direct supervisor for three months in 1968 and 1969 when Kerry commanded a five-man, 50-foot swift boat, said he never approved of the Purple Heart award for the wound Kerry received Dec. 6, 1968.

"He informed me of a wound," Hibbard said. But Hibbard said the wound he saw on Kerry's arm was so minor, "I basically said forget it, or words like that."

Hibbard said that although as Kerry's superior he was the person who would initiate such an award, he only learned Kerry received the award sometime after he left Vietnam. The award for the December action was stamped approved Feb. 28, 1968, under the signature of Donald Still, chief staff officer for the U.S. Naval Support Systems in Saigon, who has since died.

Hibbard, who now lives in Gulf Breeze, Fla., is a member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The group this week launched advertising campaigns in battleground states, questioning the circumstances under which Kerry, then a Navy lieutenant, earned three Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver Star during the five months he served in Vietnam in 1968 and 1969.

The organization also is publishing a book, "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry" by John O'Neill, who followed Kerry as commander of the Vietnam swift boat. O'Neill questions details of another Purple Heart and the Bronze Star Kerry was awarded.

Kerry's campaign contends Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is an organization created for this year's election to destroy Kerry's record as a war hero.

"It's really a sign of desperation about the support veterans are giving Kerry that a group of Republicans are doing this," said Michael Meehan, spokesman for the Kerry campaign. "Putting a lie on TV doesn't make it true.

Meehan said Hibbard had an opportunity 35 years ago to question Kerry's leadership abilities, and yet drafted a glowing fitness report. "To say this 35 years later makes some difference when it comes to the truth," Meehan said.

In a fitness report dated Jan. 8, 1969, Hibbard said Kerry "has had a most demanding job" and said he found him as someone who would be "most valuable" to the Navy officer corps. The Kerry campaign has posted all of the documentation for his medals and the fitness reports on its Web site,

Hibbard said he hasn't raised the issue before because Kerry's political career was in Massachusetts and Hibbard lived in Florida. "It didn't affect us," he said.

But since Kerry began his run for the White House, "deep in my heart I felt a call to come out now and refute these falsehoods. As commander in chief, he would be over our sons and daughters, and that scares the hell out of me."

Retired Rear Adm. Roy Hoffman, of Richmond, Va., said he began organizing the anti-Kerry group in March, when it became clear Kerry would be the Democratic presidential nominee. He said the organization now has 254 officers and enlisted men from Vietnam opposing Kerry's presidential bid.

Hoffman was a captain in Vietnam and Kerry was one of the officers under his command during the Operation Sea Lords campaign. Hoffman said he was embittered that Kerry returned to the United States as leader of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War to charge that American officers were involved in atrocities in Vietnam.

"I knew him well enough to know him," Hoffman said. "He's the most vain individual I've ever met _ aloof and arrogant."

Kerry's campaign points out that 11 of the 12 enlisted men who served on the swift boats under Kerry's command are supporting his presidential campaign. Several appeared with Kerry during last week's Democratic National Convention.

The 12th, Steve Gardner of Clovis, S.C., who served as gunners mate under Kerry, said he doesn't think Kerry is fit to be president. "I watched John Kerry's movements. He was very erratic, very indecisive," Gardner said. "I'm totally against him."

Jack Chenoweth of Montgomery, Texas, who was a lieutenant in charge of one of the swift boats that fought with Kerry in the Mekong Delta, charged that Kerry set out in Vietnam to create a myth that he was a war hero.

"There was an agenda there from the beginning," he said.
Libs are OK with self-inflicted wounds...

Just take a look at Tereza...

Click on the link to see the ad John Kerry doesn't want you to see.

Transcript of ad:

John Edwards: "If you have any question about what John Kerry is made of, just spend 3 minutes with the men who served with him."

Al French: "I served with John Kerry."

Bob Elder: "I served with John Kerry."

George Elliott: "John Kerry has not been honest about what happened in Vietnam."

Al French: "He is lying about his record."

Louis Letson: "I know John Kerry is lying about his first Purple Heart because I treated him for that injury."

Van O'Dell: "John Kerry lied to get his bronze star ... I know, I was there, I saw what happened."

Jack Chenoweth: "His account of what happened and what actually happened are the difference between night and day."

Admiral Hoffman: "John Kerry has not been honest."

Adrian Lonsdale: "And he lacks the capacity to lead."

Larry Thurlow: "When the chips were down, you could not count on John Kerry."

Bob Elder: "John Kerry is no war hero."

Grant Hibbard: "He betrayed all his shipmates ... he lied before the Senate."

Shelton White: "John Kerry betrayed the men and women he served with in Vietnam."

Joe Ponder: "He dishonored his country ... he most certainly did."

Bob Hildreth: "I served with John Kerry ...

Bob Hildreth (off-camera): John Kerry cannot be trusted."

Announcer: "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is responsible for the content of this advertisement."
Well here's more lies from the guys that lived it.

Ex-POWs: North Vietnamese Jailers Used Kerry's 'War Crimes' Speech.

Three Vietnam veterans who were held captive for years in the prison known as the "Hanoi Hilton" revealed Tuesday that their Communist jailers repeatedly cited John Kerry's 1971 Senate testimony branding them as war criminals to justify threatening them with execution and drive down their morale.

"These statements [by Kerry] ... were proof I deserved to be punished," former POW Marine Corps flyer Jim Warner told United Press International.
During every interrogation session, said Warner, his Vietnamese jailers echoed Kerry's charges that he was a war criminal. "The memory of that was still pretty fresh in my mind, and I was extremely uneasy. ... This officer said I committed crimes, that this war was illegal. ... All along they told us they would execute us for our 'crimes.'"

His captors even waved a four-page transcript of Kerry's Senate speech, Warner said, where the Democratic nominee had accused his brother soldiers of raping, torturing and mutilating innocent Vietnamese civilians.
The ex-POW said also that audio from Kerry's speech was regularly played on Radio Hanoi and piped into the prison camp.

But what particularly incensed him was efforts by Kerry and Jane Fonda to use his parents for propaganda purposes - by persuading them to appear at the Fonda-sponsored Winter Soldier Investigation in 1971.
"His sisters had told him that Fonda and Kerry were involved in getting his parents to appear," UPI said.

"The [North Vietnamese guards] were always talking about that [anti-war demonstrations], and they picked right up on Kerry's throw-away line, 'Don't be the last man to die in a lost cause,'" ex-POW Kenneth Cordier told UPI. Cordier, an Air Force pilot who spent 2,284 days as a prisoner, said his jailers "repeated [Kerry's quote] incessantly."

He also remembers his captors using photographs of the protest march where Kerry famously threw his war medals over the White House fence.
"They kept talking about the Vietnam Veterans Against the War [Kerry's group]," recalls a third ex-POW.

Navy pilot Paul Galanti told UPI that his Hanoi Hilton jailers would cite Kerry as a shining example of someone who had seen the light and had "crossed over to the people's" side.

I can clearly understand why all these patriotic Americans are stepping up again to do their sworn duty to protect this nation from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

They are simply compeled to come forth with the truth.
of course it's just merely coincidence that this kind of book is being published just before the presidential elections.
and of course it's one word against the other.

but that really doesn't matter. it doesn't matter if it's true or not, since they got "the word" out, which is the most important thing. they got the attention, whether it's true or not.

and of course, people are buying it.
John Kerry is trying to become the most powerful human on the planet. These men want the truth known about his service. They have no confidence in him to protect their families.

These Vets know what he is spouting about his heroics, his political platform, are not the truth.

If it were just one or two, maybe there is grudge being served. But you have ~243 of these guys. The thing about this is, these guys are honorablevets with nothing to gain by telling the truth. If these guy didn't have truths to tell, honor would keep then quite.
Shadowfax said:
of course it's just merely coincidence that this kind of book is being published just before the presidential elections.
and of course it's one word against the other.

but that really doesn't matter. it doesn't matter if it's true or not, since they got "the word" out, which is the most important thing. they got the attention, whether it's true or not.

and of course, people are buying it.

Let's remember that Johnny put out a self-serving bio movie a couple weeks ago, and has been pounding on his war record like a fucking drum. If you open that door, be prepared to have things looked at.

These guys were there. Their viewpoint deserves to be showcased every bit as mich as Kerry's.
IMHO - Kerry should've just STFU about his war record, and stuck to the issues which would win him the election...the good old standards.

Job Creation and Education.

With 2.3million jobs lost under Bush's even hand, any mention of solid job-creation programs would've given him the swing states.
MrBishop said:
With 2.3million jobs lost under Bush's even hand, any mention of solid job-creation programs would've given him the swing states.

Over a million have been "created" in the last 6 months.

Presidents don't hire or fire anybody, outside their immediate staff.
Shadowfax said:
of course it's just merely coincidence that this kind of book is being published just before the presidential elections.
and of course it's one word against the other.

but that really doesn't matter. it doesn't matter if it's true or not, since they got "the word" out, which is the most important thing. they got the attention, whether it's true or not.

and of course, people are buying it.

Richard Clarke, Bill Clinton, Bob Woodward all got extended :60 Minutes exposes-Bill got the entire hour. I bet Tommy Franks isn't afforded the same free publicity.
McCain Condemns Ad Criticizing Kerry's Military Service

By Ron Fournier
The Associated Press
Thursday, August 5, 2004; 2:00 PM

Republican Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, called an ad criticizing John Kerry's military service "dishonest and dishonorable" and urged the White House on Thursday to condemn it as well.

The White House declined.

"It was the same kind of deal that was pulled on me," McCain said in an interview with the Associated Press, comparing the anti-Kerry ad to tactics in his bitter Republican primary fight with President Bush.

The 60-second ad features Vietnam veterans who accuse the Democratic presidential nominee of lying about his decorated Vietnam War record and betraying his fellow veterans by later opposing the conflict.

"When the chips were down, you could not count on John Kerry," one of the veterans, Larry Thurlow, says in the ad. Thurlow didn't serve on Kerry's swiftboat, but says he witnessed the events that led to Kerry winning a Bronze Star and the last of his three Purple Hearts. Kerry's crewmates support the candidate and call him a hero.

The ad, scheduled to air in a few markets in Ohio, West Virginia and Wisconsin, was produced by Stevens, Reed, Curcio and Potham, the same team that produced McCain's ads in 2000.

"I wish they hadn't done it," McCain said of his former advisers. "I don't know if they knew all the facts."

Asked if the White House knew about the ad or helped find financing for it, McCain said, "I hope not, but I don't know. But I think the Bush campaign should specifically condemn the ad."

McCain, chairman of Bush's campaign in Arizona, later said the Bush campaign has denied any involvement and added, "I can't believe the president would pull such a cheap stunt."
After he was released from the Hanoi Hilton in 1973, Sen. John McCain publicly complained that testimony by Kerry and others before J. William Fullbright's Senate Foreign Relations Committee was "the most effective propaganda [the North Vietnamese] had to use against us." McCain wrote of this in the May 14, 1973 issue of U.S. News & World Report. According to him, "They used Senator Fullbright a great deal." During this time Kerry was working closely with the Fulbright committee, telling the American public that U.S. soldiers were committing war crimes in Vietnam as a matter of course. "All through this period," wrote McCain, " [they were] bombarding us with anti-war quotes from people in high places back in Washington. This was the most effective propaganda they had to use against us."
Some people are more forgiving in their attempt to keep their political life.

The Kerry campaign says the best way to learn about the man is to listen to the men who served with him in Viet Nam.

These men did serve with him.

And now Kerry says don't listen to them?
The Other One said:
The Kerry campaign says the best way to learn about the man is to listen to the men who served with him in Viet Nam.

These men did serve with him.

And now Kerry says don't listen to them?

You should only listen to them when they say something he wants you to hear. :lloyd:
Viet Cong Vets for Kerry Refute Swiftboat Book
(2004-08-05) -- To preempt the release of a new book questioning John Forbes Kerry's account of his service in Vietnam, the Kerry-Edwards presidential campaign announced it had received the endorsement of yet another military veterans group.

Viet Cong Veterans for Kerry (VCVFK), an ad hoc group of North Vietnamese soldiers who served in the early 1970s, said their support is "payback for all Mr. Kerry did for us in his 1971 testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He almost single-handedly put an end to U.S. atrocities against innocent Viet Cong soldiers and their families."

The Viet Cong veterans' support comes at a crucial time for the Kerry-Edwards campaign, just days before the release of Unfit for Command : Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry.

"Despite what the American swiftboat veterans claim, we know that John Kerry is a true leader who lifted our morale at a time when we were concerned that we might lose the war," said an unnamed spokesman for VCVFK. "He is not a narrow nationalist who believes that America is always right. He's willing--even eager--to admit his own nation's shortcomings. This is the kind of man we need in the White House."
Once again, we're placed with a grey haired sad faced lying piece of shit with a loud mouthed wife wannabe President. Haven't we been here before?

The louder the left bitches about something the right is doing the more likely it is the left is doing it. All this talk about the Republicans trying to destroy the constitution and look what the DNC has sent to stations running or slated to run this ad...

Marc Erik Alias (General Counsel Kerry-Edwards 2004) and Joseph Sandler (General Counsel Democratic National Committee) have issued a not-so-veiled threat to any television station that runs the “Swiftboat Veterans For Truth” advertisement. Signed by both attorneys, a portion of the letter states: “The statements made by these phony ‘crewmates’ and ‘doctor’ who appear in the advertisement are also totally, demonstrably and unequivocally false, and libelous.” The [named] attorneys also go on to state: “Moreover, as a licensee, you have an overriding duty to ‘protect the public from false, misleading and deceptive advertising” and “under these circumstances, your station may not responsibly air this advertisement.” .

Not only is the DNC caging Boston protesters to their convention they're now threatening mass media outlets with lawsuits over airing political opinions in a political race. Is Kerry related to Marx?

Another thing. There was a front page story this morning in the Boston Globe about on of the swiftboat veterans retracting his affidavit against Kerry.

Ready for contrived?

The author of the Globe article is Mike Kranish and he is covering the campaign in an official capacity as a journalist for the BOSTON GLOBE. Not only that but has been commissioned to write the foreword of the Kerry-Edwards campaign book. Until today. According to the]NYDaily News-
Photocopies of "Kerry/Edwards: Their Plans and Promises," recently sent to a few reporters and reviewers before the book's planned release, are now collector's items.
That's because the 287-page bound manuscript, culled from the Kerry/Edwards Web site and introduced by Boston Globe reporter Michael Kranish, won't be published, after all, by PublicAffairs.

Now we have this...
The following statement from Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is in response to an article appearing in the morning edition of the Boston Globe (“Veteran Retracts Criticism of Kerry”) which implies that one Vietnam Veteran wishes to retract an affidavit he signed regarding John Kerry’s actions during and after Kerry’s time in Vietnam. The signed affidavit can be seen below.
"Captain George Elliott describes an article appearing in today’s edition of the Boston Globe by Mike Kranish as extremely inaccurate and highly misstating his actual views. He reaffirms his statement in the current advertisement paid for by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Captain Elliott reaffirms his affidavit in support of that advertisement, and he reaffirms his request that the ad be played.

The Affidavit

Wasn't 8 years of Clintons lies enough? Do we really need to hire another one? 4 years of civility has been nice.
i thought this thread was called, "the electRon just got interesting", and my reaction to that was, "isn't it already?" .... i think that says a lot about me as a human being :p