The end game


molṑn labé
Staff member
Keep crying you guys, it makes for good entertainment.

These are still perilous times. But if anyone on September 12, 2001, had predicted that 22 months later there would still be no repeat of 9/11; that bin Laden would be either quiet, dead, or in hiding; that al Qaeda would be dispersed, the Taliban gone, and the likes of a Mr. Karzai in Kabul; that Saddam Hussein would be out of power, his sons dead, and an Iraqi national council emerging in his place; that troops would be leaving Saudi Arabia, Arafat ostracized, and Sharon seeking negotiations; that new Middle East agreements under discussion — and all at a cost of fewer than 300 American lives — then he would surely have been written off as a madman.

So far we have lost fewer lives in Afghanistan and Iraq than we did in a single day's butchery in the Marine barracks in Lebanon. But unlike that terrible sacrifice, this time Americans are fighting back, winning, and changing for the better the lives of millions in the most remarkable, ambitious, and risky endeavor since the end of World War II.

So far we have lost fewer lives in Afghanistan and Iraq than we did in a single day's butchery in the Marine barracks in Lebanon. But unlike that terrible sacrifice, this time Americans are fighting back, winning, and changing for the better the lives of millions in the most remarkable, ambitious, and risky endeavor since the end of World War II.

Fucking amazing propaganda. Lets start at sept. 12 and go back to something that happened under Clinton when we draw our comparisons. We'll just pretend 9/11 never happened so we don't look bad.... :hmm:
Dude you don't have to turn everything into a "which president fucked things up worse" contest. :rolleyes: Although I often thought it was an interesting proposition to consider that perhaps the WTC attack had been planned long ago and the group was just waiting for a suitably incompetent/trigger-happy/whatever president to make their move..

And I think it's ridiculous to claim that the fact that there hasn't been another 9/11-type event in the following 22 months is a victory or even that it is surprising - there wasn't one in the 22 months beforehand either, big whoppee. The occurence of one doesn't make the next one any more likely - just means people are more edgy. Which is precisely the aim of it all...
I wonder how long it would take me to find a laundry list of stuff that's gone to hell in the last 22 months?

I'm glad that you able to find a nice article on a conservative website to make you feel better though. It might be best if you stay away from anything attempting to be neutral for awhile.
When the fourth plane was taken over and the passengers realized what was going to happen to them,thats why there hasn't been any more success by terrorists ,not because of military retaliation.
pity that of the victorious events listed iraq is massively unstable and largely lawless, al queda appears to be still functioning, the taleban are by no means destroyed, afghansitan is in a wretched and violent upheaval between the warlords.

the middle east peace plan is one of the few genuine bright points, and that is going to be a tortuous and bloody road. hardly an awesome victory either.

i'm delighted that less than 300 american nationals have died in this victory. shame about the thousands from other countries whose deaths seem to be nothing more than a byline.
ris said:
pity that of the victorious events listed iraq is massively unstable and largely lawless, al queda appears to be still functioning, the taleban are by no means destroyed, afghansitan is in a wretched and violent upheaval between the warlords.

the middle east peace plan is one of the few genuine bright points, and that is going to be a tortuous and bloody road. hardly an awesome victory either.

i'm delighted that less than 300 american nationals have died in this victory. shame about the thousands from other countries whose deaths seem to be nothing more than a byline.

The unstable & largely lawless Iraq is in a better position now than it has been for years. Prices are down, murder, mayhem, state sponsored rape, torture, the imprisonment of children, all virtually non-existant. The people are free to speak their mind, unfortunately, their story is a bore so our press has taken it upon itself to find every elvis is alive & we love saddam nutcase in country & use them as fodder in our own war against our respective governments (US & Britain, specifically).

Al Qaeda are on the run & the "top brass" is dead, in jail or MIA. They are having to put together 3rd stringers to run the show. It's working for them too. They now have to attack targets in SA because they can't go anywhere else. As long as they are reeling, we're winning.

The taliban are not destroyed? You're most likely right. They also aren't running anything but their mouths & their feet avoiding the 101st. Afghanistan has been a mecca (pardon the pun) for warlords & tyrants for 500 years. Not much has changed, unless you're in Kabul, where ther is huge improvements & they will spread. For those of yo ukeeping score-it's been less than 20 months since all of this began.

The PA/Israel peace plan is going better than expected & there will be bumps along the road. It has, however, gone farther than anytime in recent history to promote & maintain peace. Soon, for the first time ever, there may be a functioning Palestine government. Assuming they don't decide to return to Jordan & Syria where most of the Palestinian land actually exists.

As far as the rest of the dead, truly sad. They will never get to enjoy their lives in the free & democratic country in which they were born. Change comes at a price. If we follow the opposition idea, they will have died for nothing.

Yes, Dubya is a dweeb. He may also be the greedy, backstabbing bastard many of you think. On the other hand, he is focusing on the problem at hand while he chases his oil. It's a fair trade in the long run.
state sponsored rape, torture, the imprisonment of children, all virtually non-existant.
I wonder if the victims of the non-state sponored rape murder and mayhem notice the difference.
they wont chcr. rape is rape. regardless of whether is a civilian or military person its still rape. how are they almost non exsistent? isnt it still happening just a lower rate?
they wont chcr. rape is rape. regardless of whether is a civilian or military person its still rape. how are they almost non exsistent? isnt it still happening just a lower rate?

I was being facetious, freako.
i know i was posting to say that no matter what itll happen. and that theres no justification for it under any circumstances
freak, there is a difference if the crime is committed by some fucking asshole who needs a new hole in teh head & when it's your fucking government (who, theorhetically is there to protect you & yours)
gonz what the hell is the difference? its still rape. its still wrong to tkae from somebody from rape(ive known people who were virgins before rape so they had their innocnence taken away).
freako104 said:
what the hell is the difference?

Look at the larger picture. Yes, during the violence, there is no difference. However, afterwards the psychological effects are far more horrendous. Who do you turn to for justice when the offender is the state?

Scenario 1: some piece of shit breaks into your house & rapes your mother. You call the police who investigate & find the guy. They try & convict him to 15-40 years. You still have lifelong scars from the offense but the rapist is getting some just dues.

Scenario 2: Some piece of shit walks into your home with 4 big armed accomplices. He rapes your mother while forcing you, your father, your 6 year old sister & 8 year old brother, your grandfather & the newspaper delivery kid to watch. After his deed, he then takes your mom to the kitchen, turns on a burner & asks Mussad, the #3 guard, to bring "the stick". The stick, it turns out is a metal rod with an "U" shaped poker. He heats it & sticks her with it, forever branding her a conquest. On his way out the door, he & his friends remind your group that he is UDAY HUSSEIN & "whatcha gonna do?" There is nowhere to turn. Vengeance is out of the have a big stick-he has an army. The cops work for him & are at his beck & call & realize their very lives depend on not doing a damned thing.

Now, tell me there is no difference.
there istn except that in scenario one the asshole got some kind of punishment. in 2 he didnt. lifelong scars for both.