The End Is Near, v284.9

Now I know you are a Liberal
and you know you are a Liberal
1. Clearly I do not "know" it. (More liberal than you, certainly, but hardly "liberal")
2. Clearly you don't have any reason other than some vague "feeling" that I must be a liberal to go on.

I couldn't care less about old posts, paraphrase. What have I posted about that makes you want to pigeonhole me as a liberal? Got one????????
Nope ain't even gonna go there Buddy.
But I'm CERTAIN you will provide plenty of fodder
in the days ahead.

So you are faced with either one of two choices
you can fully embrace your Altruistic socialist communist Liberal 'leanings'

or join the Side of



and pledge your undying allegiance to
God, Country, Mom, Apple Pie and the American way of life heh heh
Winky said:
Nope ain't even gonna go there Buddy.
But I'm CERTAIN you will provide plenty of fodder
in the days ahead.

So you are faced with either one of two choices
you can fully embrace your Altruistic socialist communist Liberal 'leanings'

or join the Side of



and pledge your undying allegiance to
God, Country, Mom, Apple Pie and the American way of life heh heh

Well, since I clearly haven't done it before it seems unlikely that I will do it "again" doesn't it.
anything anyone says that doesn't specifically agree with your narrow view of the world will be found to be "left leaning

Funny how those that disagree with a sentiment always fall back to that ideology.

I have, after several years of reading your stuff, realized you are not a card carrying liberal. You do, however, follow much of their agenda, especially when it comes to right vs left philosophy. You seem to have right wing sensibilities & left wing rhetoric.
Gonz said:
Funny how those that disagree with a sentiment always fall back to that ideology.

I have, after several years of reading your stuff, realized you are not a card carrying liberal. You do, however, follow much of their agenda, especially when it comes to right vs left philosophy. You seem to have right wing sensibilities & left wing rhetoric.


What you're trying very hard not to say is that I, like most of the others on this forum, prefer to make my own decisions instead of accepting the rhetoric of either the right or the left.

After all, neither one has my best interest in mind do they?

Once again, specifics?
chcr said:

What you're trying very hard not to say is that I, like most of the others on this forum, prefer to make my own decisions instead of accepting the rhetoric of either the right or the left.

After all, neither one has my best interest in mind do they?

Once again, specifics?

Neither one does unless your interests lie with them. Which I always had you pegged close to where I am in the Centre leaning rather than being fully to one side or the other. But thats me
chcr said:
After all, neither one has my best interest in mind do they?

Once again, specifics?

The conservative base has your best interests in mind. Always assuming you can take care of yourself. If you can't then, well, you're SOL, huh?

Specifics? we haven't been thru this a few hundred times already.
Gonz said:
The conservative base has your best interests in mind.


Sooner or later you'll see how wrong that really is. Hope your not too disappointed.
A capitalist always has your best interests in mind.

What's good for you is good for business.

He wants his wage-slaves to show up and be productive.
He wants his customers to show up and buy buy buy.
He wants the guberment to stay out of his businesses
and yours.
He wants the great unwashed to remain complaisant
and not to engage in civil unrest.

The Communist on the other hand has only the opposite goals in mind for his subjects.

Witness the failed Soviet Union.
chcr said:

Sooner or later you'll see how wrong that really is. Hope your not too disappointed.

If I foolishly said Republican (or Democrat) you'd be right. Core Conservatism is what we built our nation on.
Gonz said:
If I foolishly said Republican (or Democrat) you'd be right. Core Conservatism is what we built our nation on.

Yep, using the ultimate tool of conservatism, revolution.

*Keep trying though, it's quite amusing*

Oh, and wink? Your right about the capitalist. He does have my best interests in mind. He's not necessarily conservative though.
All is not peaches & cream below the Mason-Dixon, as some would believe.

At the time, there was no federal law against lynching, and most states refused to prosecute white men for killing black people. The U.S. House, responding to pleas from presidents and civil rights groups, three times agreed to make the crime a federal offense. Each time, though, the measure died in the Senate at the hands of powerful Southern lawmakers using the filibuster.

And of course, never was a person lynched except here in the Land of Cotton. Never was there enough support from all the right thinking Yankees to overturn these evil Southerners. Funny though...y'all found a way to do it in 1866...

Grow up.
Seems you're as blind to the southern shortcomings as you are to union unity.
So by your account, all the right thinking senators couldn't overcome those evil Southerners in 150 years of gallant efforts?


It is what it is. I never deny the evils committed here. By either side. You do.

If they had wanted to pass this, they would have. It's scapegoating. We're used to it, and y'all are damn good at doing it.
Aren't the Democrats pulling the same shit today? They don't like some Judge so they filibuster instead of taking a chance at having a something happen that would be good for the whole.