I guess I gave you the gift of sight...Professur said:
UncleHobart said:nope. won't do it. i choose, like all americans, to live fast and free. (dry fires pistol into temple while drunk and wearing womens clothes and listening to ABBA on the 8 track)
I said walk, thou craven web footed lout. Fit for such finery I think thee not.
unclehobart said:God.. what was I smoking?
Yeah, I probably could have made it the rest of the day without that little reminder.Professur said:http://www.jjr512.com/bbs/showthread.php?threadid=15714
Inky, wasn't this the start of the multi board Half wit mega flame?
Nope there it is.
Inkara1 said:Hate is a strong word... but I guess at that time I wouldn't have ever seen myself sleeping in the upstairs front right bedroom... or fixing the polarity of the center speaker wiring so the movie dialogue was as loud as everything else. Speaking of which... is the loudness still better?
Its only better within older surround formats like 5.1.1 and whatnot. Cutting edge stuff is still outta whack.Inkara1 said:Hate is a strong word... but I guess at that time I wouldn't have ever seen myself sleeping in the upstairs front right bedroom... or fixing the polarity of the center speaker wiring so the movie dialogue was as loud as everything else. Speaking of which... is the loudness still better?
Unc said:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
A toucheProfessur said:All depends on which definition of love you want to apply, my dear.