The Father, The Son, and The Holy Rabbit


The AP reports that politically incorrect pranksters in St. Paul, Minn. have been leaving marshmallow peeps around city hall to call attention to an HR nitwit's decision to remove the Easter Bunny from public display in the building.

The spongy yellow chicks and rabbits have been placed around a City Hall statue of American Indians. The statue, dubbed "Vision of Peace," has been temporarily renamed "Vision of Peeps."

Last week, the city's HR director evicted a toy Easter Bunny from the offices of the city council so as to avoid offending non-Christians.

I'm guessing this

is totally out
*insert rant about how easter is yet another christian holiday superimposed over a pagan holiday, how the word easter comes from the name Ostara, a fertility (hence eggs) goddess who personifies the rising sun (rising son?), etc, here*
[font=Verdana, Arial]What's up with the eggs at Easter?

Oh my gosh Christ has risen, quick hide the eggs! - Carlos Mencia
Leslie said:
I'd have really thought that Christians should be most offended by Easter Rabbits et al.
After Sunday School this week I asked Avery what he'd learned, did he learn about Easter, etc. He said no, they didn't learn Easter, they learned about Jesus getting hanged up on a cross with some bad guys.

I thought that was interesting.

I remember it all being intertwined at Sunday School when I was a kid, different church though. His does an Easter Egg hunt but it appears they don't tie it together.