The fun side of playing God!


New Member
China heralds year of the fluorescent green pig!


Cure cancer? Fuck that! Imma make a pig glow, dude!
That's not true! So what if I can't think of something he has showed me that I didn't want....I'm sure there was something.
We both agree that spider monkeys are not the way to go. In fact, 99% of monkies will do nothing more than raise hell and sling poo everywhere. I've already gone through enough 2 year old phases... thank you very much. I don't need a 2 year old that can get on top of the fridge and start slinging wine glasses about.
There's some nice big logger-heads here in the lake/bank, if you want um'.
Just keep your figers and toes away from it.:D

I saw one the other day that wound probbly go 40lbs. You might want
to keep your whole hand away from that one.:eek3:
There's some nice big logger-heads here in the lake/bank, if you want um'.
Just keep your figers and toes away from it.:D

I saw one the other day that wound probbly go 40lbs. You might want
to keep your whole hand away from that one.:eek3:

I got a good soup recipe...if you're interested ;)