The future of hate...


Well-Known Member
How do you envision the future where hate is concerned? 50 years is a short period of time by most measures but just look how much has changed where hate/racism is concerned over the last half century. What do you think will change in the next 30-50 years? Is there anything that you feel is lacking on a global political or legal scale to deal with the issues of racial hatred among 'civilized'(first-world) nations?
Seems to me hate is much like matter....It can't be created or just shifts around with the daily events.....
Squiggy said:
Seems to me hate is much like matter....It can't be created or just shifts around with the daily events.....

I think you're right. It certainly does seem that way sometimes.
How do you envision the future where hate is concerned? 50 years is a short period of time by most measures but just look how much has changed where hate/racism is concerned over the last half century. What do you think will change in the next 30-50 years? Is there anything that you feel is lacking on a global political or legal scale to deal with the issues of racial hatred among 'civilized'(first-world) nations?
I've lived through most of the last 50 years, and I don't really think it has changed all that much. It's less open and less socially acceptable, but it's still there. A gentleman of my acquaintance said of young black men, "I'm not prejudice, but they run in packs like dogs." If you met this guy, you would think he was reasonably intelligent and if it didn't come up in conversation, you wouldn't know he's a howling bigot. I tried to explain to him that that is in fact what prejudice is, but it seems that I just don't understand.
Hate is such a wasted emotion. It takes too much effort to hate for reasons that cannot be changed & is a waste for things that will not be altered.

It's so mush easier to simply ignore those that grate your nerves.

As far as the specific question goes, hate will always exist. It's an emotion. If it is no longer needed, how long before other emotions become null & void? There is nothing wrong with hate. It can act as an arbiter to change. Where would we be had we not hated Hitler or if the Mongols were allowed to continue their rampages, uninterupted? It's how tha actions following the emotion are used that decide it's usefulness.
I don't hate anybody, because I agree with Gonz. It is a wasted emotion. I have better things to do than to decide I hate someone.
I'm going to have to disagree with a couple of you here. First CH, i disagree with the notion that racism hasn't changed all that much. I'm 30 years old and i watch films from the sixties and fifties and am horrified by what i see. Black kids having to face mobs if they want to attend white schools, police beating peaceful black protesters and parts of the nation that the kkk had such a stranglehold on that even the FBI feared them. Fifty years ago blacks couldn't ride on busses without being assigned to the rear in many parts of the nation. Fifty years ago blacks simply did not have freedom in this country. Today they do. That doesn't mean that all the problems are gone but i would think that to a person who had to experience those trials it would be a world of difference.

Gonz, i disagree with your idea that hatred is an emotion. It's not an emotion but an idea that is driven by emotions. It's driven by fear which in turn leads to anger and is turned into hatred. The problem with saying that it's an emotion is that emotions are natural human reactions. Hatred/racism is not natural. It's based upon misinformation.
hate will always exist, that's for sure. the future of hate is a hard to tell; it changes with daily events, just like squiggy said.
for instance, if a few chinese would bomb a few buildings in the US, there would be more hate against the chinese, without doubt.

as long as people are as narrowminded as they are nowadays, things won't improve a lot. UNDERSTANDING other people, understanding motives, and above all, understanding other cultures and religions would prevent hatred.
unfortunately reality is completely different.
:D I have to disagree with you Hex...I hate Bush because, for a president, hes stupid. And thats NOT 'misinformation'....:rofl3:
Squiggy said:
:crying3: I was using my comedic license.....

It expired :D

Hex said:
emotions are natural human reactions. Hatred/racism is not natural.

Au contrair(sic?) mi amigo, hate is very much an emotion. One can hate dispassionately which is a willful act or one can have the emotion of hate. It all depends on its source.

1 a : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury
Gonz said:
It expired :D

Au contrair(sic?) mi amigo, hate is very much an emotion. One can hate dispassionately which is a willful act or one can have the emotion of hate. It all depends on its source.

Sorry buddy i don't buy it. Anger is a triggered response to a sense of injustice. It's a conscious decision to hate. Racism occurs nowhere else in the animal kingdom. I think it's important to recognize the distinction between hate & anger.
adminishitstirrers?! :rofl4: That's the best title I've heard for 'em yet!! :D (general admin, not you guys of course) ;)