The future of Obamacare

and that is one of the major ways Osamacare is designed to destroy the medical insurance industry and herd the sheeple into single payer
what really intrigues me is the killing of the forty hour work week? wonder how many folks that are cut to 30 hours will just pick up another
part time job and now have two jobs that don't provide medical benefits then collect the subsidy from the exchange?
hah I'd say its all 'so complicated' but it isn't
the government has no Right to do any of this but we are all gonna let socialism destroy the country while we worry about BO's
dawg BO being airlifted to a vacation on Martha's Vineyard?
i don't give a shit about his dog or where he vacations. guess i'm not a gossip girl like you. or jim.
You don't mind him spending how many thousands of dollars to have his dog
brought to him? That's an acceptable tax payer expense? They couldn't bring the
dog along from the beginning?
as long as yer double shot cafe' mocha latte is made properly its all good in the hood eh?
i guess i can't blame you for not knowing this... sometimes busy people need special arrangements made. like, when i'm coming home after work sessions with clients, i have them fedex the shit to me, 'cause there's no way i'm checking a bag and waiting the extra 20 minutes for it at the airport. if they can spend whatever fedex costs these day for me, i'm not getting upset about a fucking doggie delivery for the president.
i guess i can't blame you for not knowing this... sometimes busy people need special arrangements made. like, when i'm coming home after work sessions with clients, i have them fedex the shit to me, 'cause there's no way i'm checking a bag and waiting the extra 20 minutes for it at the airport. if they can spend whatever fedex costs these day for me, i'm not getting upset about a fucking doggie delivery for the president.

Well, there ya go. A modern American who is okay with whatever their government is doing,
just so long as it isn't being done directly to them.
So minx, you think the law should be repealed also?

what law?

if you mean obamacare, i would love to see it go *poof* and into never-never land. it's not the kind of thing the gov should be involved in, will cost more, and reduce the quality of care for many.
one thing is for sure. adolescent tantrums about death panels and whatnot are the way to beat obamacare.