I drive a lot more than 50 miles in one day pretty often. I bought my current car a year ago and have put 21,000 miles on it in that one year. That's an average of nearly 58 miles per day over the course of the year. The Volt would be a lot more practical for me than the EV1 because in the event I do have to drive beyond the electric-only range of the car, I can burn gasoline and continue on to my destination, instead of having to stop and plug in my car for eight hours (not to mention little things like having a trunk and more than two seats). Also, the EV1 was never meant to be something sold to the public at large. It was leased to people as a research project, because a few hundred of them in the hands of real drivers will come up on a lot of everyday situations that GM's engineers could probably not anticipate. Honda is doing the same research leasing thing with its hydrogen-fueled FCX Clarity car now. Things GM learned with the EV1 have probably made their way into the Volt.