the greatest movie. ever.

Depend on for all your funny picture needs...

you are right. that is possibly one of the greatest.

my friends and i watched it agian a couple years ago. we left with the sudden urge to drive bikes into the river.
the first one was good i didnt care for the 2nd one and i haevnt seen the third. ill stick with the star wars and evil dead trilogies and also with some other films ive been watching. like rocky horror pic show and casablanca)whenever it comes to dvd im buying the latter its one of my faves and its classic.
ford fairlane the rock and roll detective is fabulous.

did i say fabulous? i meant poor. damn poor though, in a cheesy great kinda way :D
I watched Starship Troopers the other day. :D

I've yet to find a person who will believe me when I tell them it was based on a true story... :ashamed:
it was?!

oh, i thought you meant starship the movie of the band. i so wish their 80s trash had been fictional ;)
Scanty said:
I watched Starship Troopers the other day. :D

I've yet to find a person who will believe me when I tell them it was based on a true story... :ashamed:

thats because it sucks too bad.

although it is entertaining. i will be the first to admit it blows big goat balls.
Scanty said:
I watched Starship Troopers the other day. :D

I've yet to find a person who will believe me when I tell them it was based on a true story... :ashamed:

It WAS a true story, so why don't people believe that? :confuse3:
you are correct the sheer bravery of the craptasic actors is incredible. so incredible it makes the story unbeleiveble.
Still.....just because people don't see those big monsters walking around their front room...doesn't mean they didn't exist, huh Shadow?

*sheds a tear*

My grandfather died in that last battle scene... Had his brains sucked out...

..very...very sad... :crying3: