The health care Caucasian tax


Well-Known Member
It seems that there is a racially targeted tax in the health care bill that targets Caucasians. There will be an immediate 10% tax on all indoor tanning salons throughout America which the bill projects will glean in excess of 3 billion dollars for the government -- until, that it, they all move outside.


Health-Care Changes to Start Taking Effect This Year (Correct)
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By Shannon Pettypiece and Alex Nussbaum

(Corrects effective date in first paragraph. Story first moved March 23.)

March 23 (Bloomberg) -- Indoor tanning salons will charge customers a 10 percent tax beginning in July in one of the changes Americans will see as a result of the U.S. health-care overhaul signed into law by President Barack Obama.

This story has been around for a while but went largely ignored. Imagine the uproar if there were a health care tax on all Afro-Sheen products?


Tanning Salons In Play As Potential Health Revenue Raiser

Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2009

First there was the "Bo-tax" on elective cosmetic surgeries. Now, a new tax on indoor tanning services could be in play, as Senate Democrats continue to hunt for healthcare revenues anywhere they can.

The concept of an excise tax on tanning services, which could include salon walk-ins or tanning beds and sunlamps sold for residential use, was floated in a weekend Senate staff meeting on the health bill. Officials described the idea as preliminary and not being seriously considered at this time. But as senators continue to draft amendments to add spending or scale back other pay-fors, all bets could be off. It would also be in keeping with Senate Democrats' desire to keep any new revenue sources within the healthcare system.

Indoor tanning has come under increasing fire of late for harmful health effects. Last week, the FDA issued a warning on its Web site, "Indoor Tanning: The Risks of Ultraviolet Rays."

"Sunlamps and tanning beds promise consumers a bronzed body year-round, but the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from these devices poses serious health risks," the FDA post said. It goes on to quote Sharon Miller, an FDA scientist and expert on UV radiation: "Although some people think that a tan gives them a 'healthy' glow, any tan is a sign of skin damage ... over time, this damage will lead to prematurely aged skin and, in some cases, skin cancer."

The FDA noted that in July, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is part of the World Health Organization, concluded that tanning devices are "carcinogenic to humans." In a 2008 report to Congress, FDA said that UV exposure associated with sunlamp products was excessive.

The FDA post cites the case of Brittany Lietz Cicala, the former Miss Maryland, who used tanning beds at least four times a week between ages 17-20 before being diagnosed four years ago with melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. She now has about 25 scars from surgeries.

The Indoor Tanning Association, the trade group representing what it says is a $5 billion industry, could not be reached for comment Monday night. The group's Web site says it represents tanning manufacturers, distributors and salon owners, and was founded to "protect the freedom of individuals to acquire a suntan, via natural or artificial light."

On a "frequently asked questions" page on the group's site, it states that melanoma is more prevalent in people who typically work indoors and on parts of the body that do not receive regular exposure to sunlight. It also says moderate exposure to UV light can be good for health by helping to produce vitamin D.

The ITA's PAC is not very active this year, having contributed to only two senators, although they are influential: $1,000 each to Minority Leader McConnell and Agriculture Chairwoman Blanche Lincoln, as well as the National Republican Senatorial Committee, according to FEC records. Kentucky and Arkansas, home to McConnell and Lincoln respectively, are home to tanning equipment-makers, according to the ITA Web site.

by Peter Cohn
you know jim, it's really hard to tell if you're joking here.

...but i certainly think there should be a dumb christian tax, because of the amount of babies they have that'll overburden the new health care system. and that'll work for whites, blacks, browns, ko-reans, whatever so your multicultural self won't need to get all worked up about it.
Actually, from what I'm reading of this bill, muslims have an opt-out on a religious basis. Seems they're not allowed to buy insurance. Insurance being a form of gambling.
Actually, from what I'm reading of this bill, muslims have an opt-out on a religious basis. Seems they're not allowed to buy insurance. Insurance being a form of gambling.

there would likely be an exception for any religiously-based issue with participation in the plan.
In the interest of being fair, and truthful....
If I disagree with the parts I don't like, I just gotta express agreement with the parts I do agree with.

I'm for this part.
I also think elective cosmetic surgery should be taxed.

Actually, there's several parts of the bill I agree with, just not the overall,
and not the process of how it got there, or how certain things are implemented.

In some things imo, 'the ends do justify the means', but not with most.
There's a very fine line there, and that's where my major disagreement is.
Some don't see any lines, so they don't mind crossing them.
yeah, that would be great to put a special tax on elective plastic surgery.

maybe while we're at it we could put special taxes on ANYTHING that we personally find excessive or silly.

say, i think those idiots on ATVs should pay an extra tax for being... idiots... and hey they're bound to hurt themselves and cost the rest of us money.
so you didn't like the plastic surgery tax in the so-called healthcare bill?

I was actually just saying they should go ahead and implement it.
It's still in there...isn't it?

I like that a whole lot better than the other thing they are going to tax....
(prosthetics, wheelchairs, ands other med devices)
What do you think about that part?
oh for fuck's sake jim, get over it.

Yes, we should all accept our White guilt and take our place as the racial whipping boys of the world. We should admit that we are all evil and horrible and that every race on the face of the Earth is vastly superior to us -- even those who never even invented the wheel. We are vile nasty parasites which should be wiped from the Earth to make way for real humans.


I think I'm over it.